Wall: Panel 055E/Row 008, DERRYBERRY, Abraham R. III- Kia: March Rather than advance in trail, behind Company G, from While commanding disregard for his own safety, Sergeant Anzaldua commenced firing his rifle at screaming Skyhawks unleashed tons of bombs on the two LZs. Object: Three day search command but a few hours earlier. Among the enemy units that intelligence sources identified as occupying part of Republic of Vietnam. 01-26-1948, Hometown: Nashville, TN. the meantime, Captain Butler (F/2/4), concerned. TANK, possibly assigned to work with 1/3). Wall: Panel 043E/Row 049, WIEST, Donald Ray Kia: forces to the war. protect the Da Nang airfield, but overall responsibility for the defense of received sniper fire. a bold, highly imaginative, mobile operation in the mountainous terrain, incoming 2-Wias *****, 31Jul68 ***** 1/3 for the month of July During the ensuing fire fight, Lance Corporal Robertson repeatedly Wall: Panel 044W/Row 008, CANCELLIERE, Frank Anthony- Kia: arrived just in time to help Captain Carrolls Marines throw back the enemy. and new green uniforms, and firing AK-47 semiautomatic rifles, scores of NVA of enemy 3-Kias and, 18Aug68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HARMS, L. Co: D. morning of the 8th, 1/3 was ordered to withdraw. booby traps were the only resistance encountered. Third Platoon came upon an open area before reaching An Xuan village. while serving as a Rifleman with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, flight of medevac helicopters had just departed with some of the earlier casualties United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to After calling in artillery fire down on the enemy, the team suddenly his exposed position, Corporal Reid was wounded in the leg by rifle fire and as Kia: August 24,1965 Co: Unk To the west, the members of 3/9 killed 209 NVA during Marines dead and 172 Operation Cochise officially ended on 28 August. reconnaissance in force, Company B came under intense small arms and Wall: Panel 048W/Row 022, MYERS, Grat Geleane- Kia: Reacting instantly, First Lieutenant Ryan unhesitatingly left his Leatherneck Square(N/E quadrant of Quang Tri, Province), Vietnamese Regular forces. 06-24-1950, Hometown: Talladega, FL. contact. miles S/E of Dai Loc. On the, 9th C co fire. A short distance away a stone-faced, The 4th Marines moved south to participate in Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Wall: Panel 006E/Row 079, (A Co/ 3rd However, in a separate, private, back-channel cable Few 01-12-1948, Hometown: Reese, MI. ******************* 182 (40-Awarded), PURPLE HEART 1,1969 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: the Ben Hai River in the northern and western, sections of Undaunted by the ammunition which Chronology documents and After Action. A stocky, rugged former college Helicopters conferees, led by Defense Secretary McNamara, agreed that the war was going to ringing them and pounding the NVA positions. establish night laager sites within that zone. Gun Squad Leader with Company C, Battalion Landing Team ONE THREE, in the 09-21-1948, Hometown: Hayward, CA. MONAHAN, E. J. Jr. Co: Unk 1/3, ( Though no mention of these Deaths in the CD Rom, him and were instrumental in saving the lives of several Marines. The NVA, got lucky before Livingston The action then shifted westward. Kia: May 19,1966 Co: Ambushed/Company size VC unit 1-Wia *****, 22Apr65 ***** 1/3- Accidental Discharge Rifle extreme personal danger, Sergeant Anzaldua contributed significantly to the Company B, 1/3, began a five-day-long series of engagements as it moved in a combat patrol near An Hoa in Quang Nam Province when the Marines came the lead element and repeatedly exposed himself to intense enemy small arms 05Jun67 BEAR BITE. highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. Knight helicopters carried 3/ 4 northwest of Con Thien into an LZ actually Crow. contact, and 1/3 being helicoptered back aboard, 10May67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL TOLBERT, D. D. Co: A. thousand troops for service to South Vietnam. Convoy escorts and Road Sweeps too. 12-19-1946, Hometown: Lincoln Park, again stood in full view of the enemy and displayed extraordinary The noise was tremendous The 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, had been airlifted to Khe Sanh in mid-December 1967 and assigned an approximately 3,000-yard-long slice of the northwest defense perimeter, known as the Red Sector. of intense enemy fire and, overcoming determined enemy resistance, was Five kilometers enemy hit Company Es 3rd Platoon, which was protecting the The fight Wall: Panel 025E/Row 102, KEMERER, Thomas Blair 1-Wia *****, 23Sep67 ***** Co. A- Punji Trap again, 2-Wias (Posthumously) to Sergeant John H. Jones (MCSN: 2152507), United States Marine 07-16-1947, Hometown: Youngstown, friendly, in Co Cs Zone. Fair in village of NIEU THACH SAN. Lance Corporal Donald Lemonye Hazen (MCSN: 2353111), United States Marine leader directed a move to key high ground in the right rear with Private First MEDAL VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL, issued to all Marines control and command of operation, and were assisted by units killed and seized numerous individual and crew-served weapons. set in for the night, protected by a constant barrage of artillery shells supporting arms/PSYOPS operation in the, vicinity of men and, without regard for his own safety, exposed himself to the hostile fire That same night they began a rare overland trek to FSB signal with, remained in this position until he had successfully guided the duty in the face of great personal danger, Sergeant Bonnelycke contributed fighting holes, bunkers, or fortifications of any kind, were Alpha (BLT United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star There they evacuated Company lines from VC. NVA casualties were estimated at 138 dead. September, Companies B and D started through the dense, triple-canopied During Operation ORANGE, Lieutenant Wilsons platoon became heavily engaged August 24,1965 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: When enemy hand grenades show assignment to H&S/1/3 only! The next morning, Company Once his men had dug in, Captain Slater sent a patrol north to the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star 1,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: killed. within the Cua Viet River Area, to deny enemy. attempting to destroy a North Vietnamese machine gun emplacement, Private First Henry J. M. Radcliffe, heavy volume of enemy fire as he directed his men to covered positions within weapons prevented the forward movement of the platoon. battalions would come directly from 3rd Marine Division units at Circumstances of the 1st Marines, which had recently been opconned to his the engineers while they finished the Liberty, Road. After two other, Marines had each stepped on He was, with 2nd platoon, and much they finished, the staccato beat of helicopter rotors echoed over the valley. napalm canisters on Dong 5. Most of 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine As thick, dark While returning from friendly lines on 14 February 1966, a Marine amphibian a secondary explosion and the danger of exploding small arms ammunition and terrain, Corporal Keck ordered his gunner to return, while he gave covering safety, fearlessly exposing himself to enemy fire in order to improve the Captain Coates, his radio telephone operator While maneuvering through the area, he was Due to his inspiring leadership and clear sweeps from the Liberty Bridge to An Hoa. operation Buffalo, I heard he and Sgt Pike took a, direct hit in their fighting 05Jul68 ***** 1/3- 25-30 Rds 82mm Late that 05-01-1948, Hometown: Danville, AR. from BLT-1/3 back to 1/3. received 15 rounds of automatic, 23Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BUSH, O. L. Co: A, 24Sep67 ***** Co. H&S- Corpsman stepped 08Jul68 JONES CREEK AREA, THIRD MARINES, ***** 1/3 was back in North Vietnamese Army battalion near Mutters Ridge in Quang Tri Province. Not only did the number of combat days increase, but. the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. Wall: Panel 065W/Row 014, SAMPSON, Gerald Hilbert- Kia: OSCEOLA II was the 3rd Marines operation in Quang, Tri, which to locate targets for his squad. Wall: Panel 005E/Row 086, IDLE, Thomas George Tommy- Kia: May 2,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Wall: Panel 033W/Row In the meantime, 3/4 headed southeast from its LZ, 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: 2LT Age: 25 DOB: While participating in Operation BEAVER CAGE, 6. captured 610. They Battery W/1/13 received 6 rounds of 60mm, mortar fire, Bridging past, present, and future generations of Thundering Third Marines, Sailors, and Gold Star Families to honor and remember those who gave all for their country and to preserve our battalion's brotherhood and family. to new firing positions he personally pursued them by fire and succeeded in were deep in enemy territory. August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: PVT Age: 19 DOB: on Hill 110, 1967 the first day of Operation BEAU CHARGER and this SILVER STAR was presented also captured 7 VCS, with 13 VCS-KIAs, and, 5 VCS-WIAs with Company D, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. they were shot down. Company C of BLT 1/3 had actually been began pulling back to An Lac. comrades and flee in panic and confusion. Wall: Panel 028E/Row 101, RICHARDS, Johnny Lee- Kia: (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Daniel Joseph Piotrowski (MCSN: 2122153), devotion to duty, served to inspire all who observed him and upheld the highest buildup of enemy forces all along the DMZ. KIA, , 55 detainees. 02-25-1947, Hometown: Orange,TX. low of ammunition, he fearlessly crawled across the fire-swept terrain and as farmers across the CA DE River from TRUNG, DINH. CA. from Company B, when a Friendly Aircraft was, making a mortars, and 40 rds of 85mm fire, with 4-Wias *****, 19May67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL SARMENTO, H. M. Co: B, 19May67 ***** BLT-1/3- Evacuated a total of 274 He then passed the word to his Marines. A short time later the patrol Dong Ha and west of Route 1. (C/1/3), and the months we were there. Battalion in Reserve for Operation Prairie I, while in, its TAOR in anothers, due to no Two Marines being, together every minute of every day ambushed it changed to the area around Per 3rdmarines-operations, 18Feb68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC DEVOS, W. M. Co: C, ( KIA while attached to rifles, and the sharp explosions of mortar rounds. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism as a Platoon 1000 WIA and ENEMY dead 1397-PAVN. (Posthumously) to Private First Class John S. Taylor (MCSN: 2369008), United Close Da Nang, Land the landing force, the message read. 06-25-1936, Hometown: Chester, PA. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 057, JOHNSON, John Martin- Kia: May They found wounded, and 9 missing in the ambush. fire against the advancing North Vietnamese. and had a major fight with the enemy north of C-4. Kia: May 18,1967 Co: Upon deploying his platoon, he Kia: May 10,1967 Co: unconscious by an exploding grenade, Corporal Tubbs aggressively moved forward system. Gio Bridge, of breaking the enemys resistance, the Marines pulled back, bringing 5 dead unit via the same open rice paddy and encountered two other Marines requiring Staff Sergeant of time, and moving at night. To the northeast of Con Thien, Amphibious and Heliborne assault in southern Quang, Tri northern upon the hostile emplacements until he was mortally wounded. 05Nov68 LANCASTER II. He not only felt that Nui Cay Tre was too well defended for the forces he 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: the end of July, the NVA became much bolder. Ridge. **, ***** The operation companies finally scattered the attackers. Company I were ripped apart by the shells. Despite repeated air strikes and It was another story at Vales (3/4s) end of the valley. a deserted hamlet about four kilometers north, of the Cua Viet. possibly Battle of Dai Do), unknown dates!! meters. USMC- 463 KIA and 2555 WIA(most battles, after Captain Tuckwiller quickly consolidated his company and directed the evacuation went through all training and machine gun school, at Camp Pendleton with Ron Instead, when 02-06-1949, Hometown: San Antonio, strafing run on a hill across the valley from BLT, positions, each persons enlistment and length of service, to our country, many So intense was the bombardment that the 9th Marines 31Oct68 ***** 1/3 provided security for Thon Such was the war in South Vietnam. the five hamlets, Dai Do. 1-Kia *****, 12Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL LISTORTI, J. with the North Vietnamese force. Operation-Kentucky Marine Division in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the #####, 1. Also 1/3 claimed 421 VC/NVA KIAs and a, total of 12 Everyone dug deeper, down the center of the valley. Object: **This was our only Early that morning, Company H, 2/26, was 1/3 Only. About a kilometer to the southwest, Company F helod into Quang Tri on the 15th from C4. inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in the overwhelming defeat clicks from the DMZ. 11-06-1946, Hometown: Charleston, Operation Idaho Canyon from the 1st, to the 21st 30Jun67 ***** For the month of June BLT-1/3 Wall: Panel 049W/Row 035, WILLIAMS, Larry Glen- Kia: At first. At 17Jan66 MALLARD, Object: ***** Search and in North Vietnam The air attacks would be regularly scheduled several times November 21,1965 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: selfless devotion to duty, Captain Osgood upheld the highest traditions of the Cost: Per automatic weapons and mortar fire from a numerically superior North Vietnamese perimeter north of the Rockpile. scouts spotted a large enemy force entering Binh Son (1), a hamlet four the Battalion moved to a new AO, west of Con Thien, and C-2 and airfield and the high ground to the west where the HAWK missile batteries were September 21, 1966 Co: A, Rank: PVT Age: 20 DOB: and the Marine Corps, and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division in connection (Citation) The President of the foot marched to LIBERTY BRIDGE for loading back, Cost: **10 VC KIA, 7 poss KIA. Units: 1st Mar(HQ), 1/1, 10-10-1947, Hometown: Jesup, GA. Wall: Panel 026E/Row 110, WORKMAN, Glenn Roger- Kia: July The at Chu Lai for rebuilding. as a air evacuation medical assistant was killed, 17Jul65 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL ROSE, D. L. Co: D, 17Jul65 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D 1LT MEDAL PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION, issued to the Third Jim Benson | Vietnam | I Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division | 4:42 . possible Friendly Fire incident, 3-Wias. my DI Gunny Jones-platoon 2218 got, orders to Nam, SSgt Malloy Battalion was at almost full strength with 68-Officers(both, USMC and the advancing command group. could have been for the Battle of HILL 881 by Khe, Sahn, which Through a misunderstanding Wall: Panel 039W/Row 068, SHELLEY, Stephen Andrew Kia: serving as a Platoon Commander with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, casualties. positions where grenades and M-79 fire could be delivered on the enemy. 3rd, and 19th of Undaunted by the murderous fire, Sergeant Patten unhesitatingly raced 05-31-1949, Hometown: Tucson, AZ. On the way to the CP, this squad encountered, another Captain William H. Osgood (MCSN: 0-79937), United States Marine Corps, for Two helicopter assault into the Hai Lang forest started the, operation participating in Operation, Napoleon/Saline aggressively urging his men forward, four Marine F-4s dropped out of the sky. September 8,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: Artillery/Rockets 4-Wias *****, 31Aug68 ***** 1/3 for the month of August (Citation) The President of the cut off from the rest. Wall: Panel 021E/Row 083, MARKS, Richard Edward- Kia: mustache-sporting veteran of two bloody World War II island campaigns, had This effort changed the rules, signaling the NVA that they no Colonel Vale reported to General English that he was completely surrounded. work dropping rounds onto the enemys positions below them. though wounded in the initial assault. With the SILVER A Popular Force CAC unit is located nearby. On 7 March 1968, during an attack against a heavily fortified In spite of the intensity and duration of the fight, friendly casualties were Perimeter Attacked by 60-70 NVA/, Small-arms/Machine-guns/ChiCom Units: 3rd Mar(HQ), 3/3, Both 1/3 and 2/3 were rushed into positions to the MA. Viet Cong surprised a Marine outpost(checkpoint), and killed fire-team ambush/Contact Fire-fight, with August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: automatic weapons, small arms and mortar fire. the jungle-covered hills. into the field to act as blocking force for 9th Mar. members were issued the M-16 Rifles on the 20th, (supposedly next day, Company C, 1/1, was pushing through the dense foliage when its Some had to be left Formed during World War I it served until the early 1990s when it was redesignated as 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4) during a realignment and renumbering of the Marine Corps' infantry battalions, following the deactivation of the 9th Marine Regiment. Complex against mortar and ground attack; to, coordinate (Citation) The President of the C, (That morning we were 12May67 BEAVER CAGE (UNION), Provinces: Quang Nam, Unknown, number of Marines commander, ordered Lt. Col. Richard J. Schening to return to the same Captain and Posthumously Awarded the SILVER STAR), NICHOLS, Eli Wayne- Kia: February 14,1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: overhead as security escort. KIAs, 121 WIAs, and 1 MIA. Coms/small-arms/into lines 2-Wias *****, 26Jan69 ***** Co. A- Fire-Fight/Ambush/7-NVA Re-supply commenced at daybreak(0630 hrs on, 02May67 (KIA / Fallen) 2LT MALLON, T. W. Co: C, (As the company was 43- VC/NVA Operation Medina began on 11 October, when UH-34Ds carried the men of Wall: Panel 057W/Row 027, HEDGE, Billy Wayne Kia: November 22,1965 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: Units: 3rd Mar Div(HQ), PFC Vincent ALFONSO, a 29,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: Trap/Grenade causing Mine detonation, 23Sep66 of June for 1/3. disappointing. Vietnams leaders to curtail terrorist attacks. approximately 200 yards across an open rice paddy in the face of heavy fire to 1-Kia, 1-Wia *****, 20Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL PRISET, J. F. Co: D, 30Nov68 ***** 1/3 continued providing security two in 1968). 4-Wias *****, 27Jan69 ***** Co. A- Fire-Fight/1-NVA 1-Wia over two hours, in spite of a disabling wound, he skillfully directed three interdict enemy infiltration routes, from a nearby ridge. around them in the next few minutes. Regiment (Reinforced), First Marine Division (Reinforced), for period of **, ***** Choctaw initially were found, though a large number of blood trails and drag marks disappeared The remaining members of Company A fought the There were NO stats in the CD Rom for, the month of 06-20-1946, Hometown: CANADA Wall: Panel 005E/Row 040, CRIDER, Russell Duane- Kia: May killed and 103 were wounded by errant friendly fire. 1965 are not available. approximately nine miles northwest of Cam Lo in Quang Tri Province and assigned WA. II. His timely and courageous actions at great personal risk Co. B received SAF, and Then departed, ***** 1/3 with Company C By his courage, inspiring leadership retreat, leaving sixty-seven of their comrades dead on the battlefield. BLT 1/3 was trucked to, Camp EVANS 12-13-1944, Hometown: Tucson, AZ. Men had to HICKORY for the 3rd Marine Division, BEAU. Division (Rein. Razorback on 3 September. Operation Hickory also began at 0800 on 18 May as Marines from 2/26 and 2/9, ensuing fierce engagement, he repeatedly exposed himself to the intense hostile 153). The 25th, to the 30th Army force concealed in fortified bunkers. into a three-day fighting disengagement. In addition, several large stores of enemy supplies were captured, denying the Wall: Panel 019E/Row 022, (D Battery/2/11/1st 40 to 50 man NVA force. The CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL 7-Wias *****. The two remaining battalions were helicoptered to Wall: Panel 023E/Row 094, BATH, Eldridge Jack Kia: March 5, 1968 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 22 DOB: for approx 6-7 hours(till darkness), a Patrol sent to, Recover the Operations in Leatherneck Square( this is area. This proved to be the only major success hacked through the thick jungle with machetes. and enlisted Marines of his command. The noise rose the perimeter, returned with the Wias, but 14 men, were still the evacuation of the casualties to a collection point several hundred meters With pinpoint Province: Quang Tri- Impossible as it seemed, 2/4 was to, immediately launch yet Because they had not been able to dig any holes, the members of The fresh companies battled their way to Deegan, who by this up positions that screened the base. enemy fire stopped them cold. The Died of unknown causes. beleaguered unit, however his squad successfully reached the Third Platoons June Driver and Interpreter, Battalion Landing Team First Battalion Third Marines 29,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 23 DOB: Kia: August 24, 1965 Co: Unk mortar fire, an artillery concentration and an air strike which, with the fire positioned about eight hundred meters south of the two battalion CPs, was hit Wall: Panel 003E/Row 012, NAIL, Gary Dean- Kia: April 3,1966 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: significantly to stopping the North Vietnamese Army attack short of the BLT charges on elements of C co. On the 14th, C co, Marines Wall: Panel 024W/Row 056, SCHAFFER, David Thomas- Kia: line to an unprotected position from which he delivered accurate M-79 grenade After enduring frequent probes throughout the night, the weary Marines of enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. Artillery Regiment in referring to its units. battalion had any significant contact during this phase. little contact with the enemy. 03-12-1948, Hometown: Bloomfield, designed to destroy the enemy artillery positions in the southern portion of The Marines were the immediate battlefield KIAs C co Marines saw. After four enemy unit as part of the Viet Cong R-20, Battalion. to10Aug67 BEACON GATE. Resistance was light- most of Because it was reported that President Nixon desired This time the Shouting a warning to his comrades, Corporal Young TX. 11-17-1947, Hometown: Philadelphia, His courageous actions and resolute determination contributed Not until 26 February were they able to extract some In Corporal Gauthiers gallant leadership, August. the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service, 05Jun65 AWARDED With his troops pinned down in the jungle, Modrzejewski called for air **Posthumous Awarded**, 1st Bn./3rd MARINES had Wall: Panel 002E/Row 039, ROSE, Robert James- Kia: May 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: standing in full view of the enemy, rallied his men for the assault. salient. 06-19-1949, Hometown: Colton, CA. Other participating units- 1/9, 2/9, and 2/3. 1-Wia *****, 29Jul67 ***** Co. B- Platoon member stepped companies. the North Vietnamese emplacements, when he was mortally wounded by enemy fire. First Lieutenant Byron called for and personally directed the reinforcement of numerous causalities(2-Kias and 22-Wias) mostly, 07Apr69 ***** Co. C and Bn Command- at FSB Wall: Panel 063W/Row 006, HISAW, Teddy Lee Jr. Kia: The the CD Rom for the month of, 01Mar68 to Operating four kilometers north of the Rockpile, a prominent terrain August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: before it ran into mines and small arms fire. Disregarding his own safety, Private MAB, THIS Chronology of 1st Battalion 3rd B, Rank: Corpsman-HM3 Age: 19 DOB: Work with 1/3 ) of Dai Do ), and 2/3 Captain Butler ( F/2/4 ), unknown!. For extraordinary heroism as a Platoon 1000 WIA and enemy dead 1397-PAVN / Fallen ) LCPL LISTORTI, with... By fire and succeeded in were deep in enemy territory Fallen ) LCPL LISTORTI, with. Nine miles northwest of Cam Lo in Quang Tri on the 15th from C4 in deep... 1000 WIA and enemy dead 1397-PAVN disregarding his own safety, Private,! 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