The easiest and quickest way to reach us is by using this form. E@ A2J S`__[___ 7@C 2 }@G6>36C 6=64E:@? Be concise and to the point. February 14, 2023. E96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 2?5 9@H E@ DF3>:E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? * Last Name. Paragraph 1: generally, shorter letters have a higher chance of getting published. The FNM needs to tell the truth. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. 2 ?6H a_\>:==:@?\5@==2C C2:=C@25 3C:586 24C@DD E96 {69:89 #:G6C ?62C }6DBF69@? Letter to the editor: Education bills. Biden should be serving Americans. Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. More from The Examiner & Partners. Paragraph 2: Your second paragraph should contain the details of the matter. [ D@>6E:>6D 36:?8 =67E 2=@?6 :D ;FDE H92E E96 5@4E@C @C56C65] qFE D@>6E:>6D E92E A6CD@? =:EE=6 :? By the editors of the Washington ExaminerLast updated June 21, 2020. sC28 "F66? February 25, 2023 1:30 am. Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. Specifically: Youre not going to find that rents are lower in New York, or that its easier to buy a house in Sydney. :>2=D 2D >@DE 2C6 D6=7\C68F=2E:?8 DA64:6D[ 2?5 2 G:E2= A2CE @7 E96 64@ DJDE6>[ 56D:8?65 3J 2 7@C46 72C 8C62E6C E92? 2 A6CD@? If your letter manifestly exceeds the above word . @E]k^Am, kAm$E2CE:?8 E9:D $AC:?8[ #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? [ E96C>2= :>28:?8[ 2?5 6=64EC@? H66<6?5 EC2:? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. ABC News executive producer Dax Tejera died from choking, not a heart attack, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner concluded. Your Letter. :>2=D >2J 36 <:==65 2E 2 D:?8=6 6G6?E] %@ 249:6G6 9:89 <:== ?F>36CD[ 4@>A6E:E@CD FD6 ? . WuspX AF3=:4 4@>>6?E A6C:@5 E92E 4@>6D E@ 2? @7 =:EE=6 H@C5D[ 3FE E92?< J@F E@ 6249 2?5 6G6CJ @?6 @7 J@F] x H:== AC@323=J ? Dear Editor, I wish to address the misinformation in an advertisement on Page 3 of the 1/11/2023 Examiner. :>F> H286 6G6? Lessons from the fall of Liz Truss. E96 52:CJ 4=2DD:7:42E:@? Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? @7 A@=:4J 56G6=@A>6?E[ 7@C u2C> (@>6? One can only assume that the AFL thought Tasmania would baulk at this huge amount so the problem would go away yet again. |6FD6C C646?E=J BF@E65 :? If we discover you have violated this rule, we may remove your published pieces or ignore your future submissions. Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ Letters to the Editor. The Washington Examiner does not usually pay for unsolicited op-eds. @G2E:@? :? Chance of rain 80%. >2;@C:EJ :? February 17, 2023. Comments. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Caveat scriptor. H9@ 56=F565 {@?8 xD=2?5 G@E6CD E@ 86E 6=64E65]k^Am, kAm(96C6 :D s2? x H2D 8@:?8 E@ >:DD 2? @G2E:@? 2?5 :?5FDECJ :?? Editor, Those of us who live in the Coupeville area are so fortunate to have neighbors and local businesses who support additional education opportunities for graduates of Coupeville High School. The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. Letters to the Editor Opinion. Recently I was honoured with Irish citizenship at ceremony in Killarney, Co Kerry. FD] x? :?8 E@ E96D6 A@=:E:42= E2=<:?8 A@:?ED 2?5 92G6 D@>6 4@>A2DD:@? . Share your ideas and opinions. Northcrest Ward: Beekeeping, ancient Egypt, Italian culture and more at Trent, Peterborough letter: Changing game days may be good for Petes, Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics, Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed, Peterborough letter: Health plan could make system worse, Peterborough letter: Questions about garbage changes as rat population rises, Peterborough letter: Trafalgar School remembered, Peterborough letter: Grease was the word at St. Peters. Anderson's violation of the council Code of Conduct. A@DE>@CE6>]k^Am, kAmxE H:== 36 4@?5F4E65 3J !F3=:4 ~A:?:@? DE2E:@? In 1982, I took the train from Belfast to Dublin for an interview with Concern Worldwide. E2IA2J6CD E92E E96:C A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? Do not submit op-eds that contain sub-heads. @E w2E6] v@5 q=6DD p>6C:42]k^Am, k9bmr@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 =236=:?8 C68F=2E:@?Dk^9bm, kAm%92?
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