Life is short. He has really strong accent and his lectures are boring. His work has been published in multiple top-tier conferences and journals, including PPoPP, SC, ICS, EuroSys, TPDS. [4/2022] Congratulations to my student, Wenqian Dong. My research interests span operating systems, computer architecture, and their intersection with machine learning and high-performance computing. Visual Object and Activity Recognition - Alexei A. Efros and Trevor Darrell (UC Berkeley) Computer Vision - Steve Seitz (University of Washington) Visual Recognition Spring 2016, Fall 2016 - Kristen Grauman (UT Austin) One of the most recent records in 2020 lists a job of Assistant Professor (Business/Economics/Engineering) and a pay of $124,158. [9/2021] Thanks ANL and SK Hynix for supporting our research on machine learning systems and big memory! His lectures are boring and literally repeats all the information in the book and lectures aren't mandatory so you can just read the material on your own. degree from Tsinghua University (THU) and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) on 2016 and 2013 respectively. HPCC'17, NAS'17, OSDI'20, SC'20, NVMW'20, NVMW'19, SC'19, SC'18, OSDI'18, ASPLOS'18, NVMW'18, CLUSTER'17, NVMW'17, SC'16. Each process reads the data just written by using an explicit offset. See our Research and Publications pages for more information about our work. UC Merced administers a number of scholarship funds designed to benefit undergraduate students. University of California, Merced These materials are the building blocks for future applications in quantum information science and high performance electronic devices. For information about our group members, see our People page. Department. . The ones marked, R Ge, X Feng, S Song, HC Chang, D Li, KW Cameron, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21 (5), 658-671, D Li, BR de Supinski, M Schulz, K Cameron, DS Nikolopoulos, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (6), 1524-1537, M Poremba, S Mittal, D Li, JS Vetter, Y Xie, 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE, SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance, 2018 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, D Li, JS Vetter, G Marin, C McCurdy, C Cira, Z Liu, W Yu, 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing. [8/2021] Invited talk at ANL: "Performance Optimization of ML and HPC Applications on Heterogeneous Systems". First employment: National Cancer Institute), Hanlin He (Master student, graduated in 2018. The University of California is the world's leading public research university system. Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and type 2 (HTLV-2) retroviruses infect T lymphocytes. Diane-Marie Brache-Smith Diego Lopez Diego Silva Dilawer Ali Dimitrius Khaladj Dino Mangano Dishanka Gogoi Dominique Davenport Dong Li Donglei Yang . Are they the same number? Dong Yu Professor Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California at Davis Office: 203 Physics Phone: 530-754-0832 Fax: 530-752-4717 Email: yu at 2021- Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Davis Cartesian topology California (pht m nh "Ca-li-pht-ni-a" hay "Ca-li-phoc-ni-a", nu nhanh: "Ca-li-phoc-nha"), cn c ngi Vit gi vn tt l Cali hay phin m Hn Vit l Cu Kim Sn, l mt tiu bang ven bin pha ty ca Hoa K.Vi dn s l 38 triu ngi v din tch 410,000 km (158,402 mi 2), ln hn Vit Nam (331 nghn km2 . [02/2023] A paper Transfer Learning Across Heterogeneous Features For Efficient Tensor Program Generation" is accepted into ExHET'23. SE2 211 I received my B.S. Before joining Meta, I worked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tencent America, and Meta. [11/2022] A paper Merchandiser: Data Placement on Heterogeneous Memory for Task-Parallel HPC Applications with Load-Balance Awareness" is accepted into PPoPP'23. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. [6/2019] A paper Adaptive Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate Eulerian Fluid Simulation is accepted in SC'19. Dong Li worked as an Assistant Professor (Business/Economics/Engineering) for the University of California, Merced and in 2019 had a reported pay of $116,200. A paper "ByteHTAP: ByteDance's HTAP System with High Data Freshness and Strong Data Consistency" is accepted in VLDB'22. [6/2021] A paper A Pattern Based SpGEMM Library for Multi-core and Many-core Architectures is accepted by TPDS. Prior, he was a postdoctoral researcher in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of California Merced, working with Prof. Dong Li on building efficient system supports for HPC and AI/DL workloads on persistent memory and GPU platforms. [8/2022] Welcome new PhD student, Jin Huang! University of California, Merced 5200 North Lake Rd. Sessions: Feb 7 - Mindfulness Feb 14 - Self-Compassion Here is my CV. Hints: use MPI_Dims_create, MPI_Cart_create, MPI_Cart_coords, and MPI_Cart_shift. One GPU may contain many types of memory of different properties. With 10 campuses, 5 medical centers, 3 national labs and a network of agricultural and natural resource centers, UC boasts large numbers of distinguished faculty and researchers in every field. Merced, CA 95343 Telephone: (209) 228-4400 Previously (2011-2014), he was a research scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Create a 2-dimensional Cartesian topology (4x4) to communicate between processes. Merced outstanding student. Designed by Jon Barron & Limin Yang, HPCC'2022 & 2021 & 2020, Eurosys'21 (shadow PC), DOE SBIR/STTR, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Access, Future Generation Computer Systems, IPDPS'21, NPC'20, CLUSTER'20, NPC'19, ICPP'19, SC'18, IPDPS'17, CLUSTER'17, calculating the square of its value) and finally broadcasts it to all the others MPI processes. In particular, my research focuses on building efficient, fast, and scalable systems for machine learning on modern platforms. Anthony Li (BS 2014) Ivan Felix (BS 2015) Van Thai (BS 2015) Ryan Paw (BS 2015) Alex Anh-Tu Nguyen (BS 2017) Additional Links. . The fall 2021 undergraduate fee is $904.75, and the graduate fee is $1,356.21. [10/2022] Will serve as a shadow PC member at EuroSys'23. [03/2022] A paper Throughput-oriented and Accuracy-aware DNN Training with BFloat16 on GPU" is accepted at IPDPSW'22. . PASA is a part of High Performance Computing Systems and Architecture Group at UC Merced. Dong Li Major product: Surge Protector, High Voltage Ceramic Capacitor, Varistor, Condensator, SPD, Electronic type Instrument Transformer, Solid Sealed Polar Pole (VXG) Xi'an Xian Xiwuer. University of California, Merced 5200 North Lake Rd. 2. The following articles are merged in Scholar. [10/2021] Invited to be TPDS (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems) reviewer. Before that, I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from University of California Merced, working with Prof. Dong Li on building efficient and scalable system supports for heterogeneous memory-based platforms. In 1 year, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in 110 million cases and 2.5 million deaths worldwide (Dong et al. First employment: Argonne National Lab), Kai Wu (PhD student, graduated in May 2021. Faculty may update their list and profile information in the Faculty List Info Editor within the Faculty Portal. About Me. [1/2021] A paper MD-HM: Memoization-based Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Big Memory System is accepted in ICS'21. [8/2022] Welcome new PhD student, Jin Huang! Pursue what you really want. Modern GPUs feature complex memory system designs. Only one Ph.D. who advanced to Ph.D. candidacy has been elected each year based on his/her primarily on the basis of merit and the promise of outstanding academic and. Data Recovery. My research interests mainly focus on high performance computing (HPC), computer systems, runtimes, and programming models. degree and a graduate program leading to M.S. Advisor (s): Li, Dong ( 2022) Tensors, which generalize matrices to more than two dimensions, are fundamental to many disciplines, such as scientific computing and machine learning. " reading has been performed correctly. UC Riverside, for the most part, is a pretty good school especially if you are looking to major in STEM. All professors at the University of California, Merced (UC Merced) in Merced, California. I received my Ph.D. from the University of California, Merced, supervised by Prof. Dong Li. [3/2021] Four papers are accepeted into ICS'21! She will join the College of William and Mary as a tenure-track assistant professor since fall! PC (co-) chair: Cluster (data/storage track, 2023), HCA (2023), PASA (2012, 2013, and 2016), HP-PAC (2013 and 2014), Editorial position: TPDS review board member; Co-editor, special Issue of the Journal of High Performance Computing Applications for the fourth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems. to be periodic (i., the bottom rank is neighbor of the top). Selected Recent Publications (a complete list of the publication can be found fromhere), Parallel Architecture, System, and Algorithm Lab (PASA), High Performance Computing Systems and Architecture Group, highlighted by the U.S. Department of Energy, understanding natural error resilience in HPC applications, Memory-centric system optimization for machine learning training and inference, System support for big, heterogeneous memory platforms, Seventh International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware, ASPLOS Distinguished Artifact Award, 2021, Berkeley Lab University Faculty Fellowship, 2016, SC best poster nomination (2.9% of all poster submissions), 2016, Oak Ridge National Lab (CSMD) Distinguished Contributor Award, 2013. [11/2022] Thanks Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) for supporting our research on heterogeneous memory! Robin Gustafson, UC Davis (vice chair) Tom Bustos, UC Merced (SILS Operations Team chair) Todd Grappone, UC Los Angeles. Congratulations! 1 MPI process 0 initializes a variable to a given value, then modifies the variable (for example, by [3/2021] Our collaboration work with LLNL on MPI fault tolerance benchmark suite is reported by HPCWire. My research interests lie in high performance computing, computer architecture, and machine learning. 1. School of Engineering; 31 (non-volatile memory) . II) Re-open the file. I received my B.S. My research aims to improve the performance and resource efficiency of heterogeneous computing systems while making it easier for users to deploy and manage their applications. and Ph.D. degrees. First employment: Barcelona Supercomputer Center), Armando Montanez. Dr. Dong Li is an associate professor at Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Merced. Technical reviewers for major journals:IEEE Transaction on Merced County prosecutors filed murder charges Tuesday against a 50-year-old San Francisco man in connection with a slaying of a woman whose body was found in a Merced trash bin. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts, Office of Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Physical Operations, Planning and Development, Non-volatile memory and memory heterogeneity, Fault tolerance/resilience in large-scale parallel and distributed systems. University of Virginia. External reviewers: PPoPP'14, SC'13, Euro-par'12, HPDC'11, etc. Professor, Department of Bioengineering, UC Merced. Department of Statistics. The Department of Computer Science offers an undergraduate major leading to a B.S. Before (III): data per process, To see the binary file in ASCII use the command, Hints: Use MPI_File_Open, MPI_File_write, MPI_File_seek, MPI_File_get_size, MPI_File_read_at, Merced, CA 95343 | . In particular, his research includes: (i) System for Machine Learning: building modern ML/DL algorithms and systems on heterogeneous and parallel HPC architectures (e.g., GPUs and AI accelerators); (ii) HPC Performance Tuning: automatic performance optimization on HPC applications with the aid of machine learning; (iii) Scientific Machine Learning: accelerating HPC applications using machine learning-based approximation. Wei-Chun Chin. Dr. Dong Li is an associate professor at University of California, Merced. I am currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the College of William & Mary. However, the school is changing. 1 MPI process 0 initializes a one-dimensional array assigning to each element the value of its index. Description: A weekly 1.5-hour group therapy for UC Merced students focused on using art as a tool for self-discovery, creative self-expression, and self-care, with each week centered on a theme to draw from within. 1-2 summer internship positions (from May 31 to August 5, 2023) are available for Ph.D. students. It appears you may have used Coursicle on this device and then cleared your cookies. Argonne Website, Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), Performance optimization on HPC and AI/DL applications, Parallel computing on various architectures, Heterogeneous computing and memory systems. Faculty Research List. [2/2020] A paper, "Flame: A Self-Adaptive Auto-Labeling System for Heterogeneous Mobile Processors", is accepted in MLSys-W 2020. Overview. Merced, CA 95343 Zhen Xie is a postdoctoral researcher in Data Science group with Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) at Argonne National Laboratory, supervised by Dr. Murali Emani. : an American History, Chapter One Outline - Summary Campbell Biology Concepts and Connections, BUS 225 Module One Assignment: Critical Thinking Kimberly-Clark Decision, Lab 3 Measurement Measuring Volume SE (Auto Recovered), Quick Books Online Certification Exam Answers Questions, Focused Exam Alcohol Use Disorder Completed Shadow Health, Ati-rn-comprehensive-predictor-retake-2019-100-correct-ati-rn-comprehensive-predictor-retake-1 ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR RETAKE 2019_100% Correct | ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR RETAKE, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Google Scholar / Dr. Dong Li is an associate professor at University of California, Merced. distributed and parallel systems . [12/2021] A paper TLB-pilot: Mitigating TLB Contention Attack on GPUs with Microarchitecture-Aware Scheduling is accepted by ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) . [6/2021] A paper "Fauce: Fast and Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation" is accepted into VLDB'21. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts . Notice that in order to do this the Cartesian communicator has Our work creates innovation in runtime, architecture, performance modeling, and programming models; We also investigate the impact of novel architectures (e.g., CXL-based memory and accelerator with massive parallelism) on the designs of applications and runtime. EPiGRAM-HS meeting at ETH. Merced, CA 95343 T: (209) 228-4400 2022 First employment: Pacific Northwest National Lab), Neelam Sinha (Master student, graduated in 2020. Name. Improving the performance and scalability of tensor computation is essential to those domains. "Dong Li from UC Merced on the development of runtimes for automatic data management on heterogeneous memories: a trade-off between the cost of memory profiling, online analysis and data migration. [3/2021] Prof. Xu Liu from NCSU will give us a talk "Rethinking Performance Tools Research" on April 2. A paper " Optimizing Large-Scale Plasma Simulations on Persistent Memory-based Heterogeneous Memory with Effective Data Placement Across Memory Hierarchy" is accepted in ICS'21. x. UC Merced is ranked #7 in high performance computing (HPC) and #59 in computer science in general by CSRankings. [11/2022] Group meeting with DarchR Lab@UC Davis for research collaboration. This lab is One of the only things that brings this school down is it's reputation. University of California, Merced. 5200 North Lake Rd. Dong Li Title: Associate Professor Phone: +1 (209) 228-2488 Email: Location: SE2 211 Website: Lab Site Research Interests: High performance computing Fault tolerance/resilience in large-scale parallel and distributed systems Power-aware computing Performance modeling and optimization Education: Ph.D., 2011, Virginia Tech science from Virginia Tech. [4/2022] Congratulations to my student, Jiawen Liu. The tradeoffs of fused memory hierarchies in heterogeneous computing architectures, PORPLE: An extensible optimizer for portable data placement on GPU, Exploring hybrid memory for GPU energy efficiency through software-hardware co-design, Strategies for energy-efficient resource management of hybrid programming models, Runtime data management on non-volatile memory-based heterogeneous memory for task-parallel programs, Quantitatively modeling application resilience with the data vulnerability factor, Rethinking algorithm-based fault tolerance with a cooperative software-hardware approach, Performance analysis and characterization of training deep learning models on mobile device, Power-aware MPI task aggregation prediction for high-end computing systems, PCM-based durable write cache for fast disk I/O. Telephone: (209) 228-4400. Please submit your lab results/code to CatCourses, including Makefile and a short report (up to one page). [09/2022] A paper "A Comprehensive Evaluation of Novel AI Accelerators for Deep Learning Workloads" is accepted at the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS) at SC'22. My advisor is Prof. Xiaoyi Lu. University of California, Merced. degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology. Verified email at - Homepage. In each MPI process, a variable is initialized with the local rank of the Cartesian communicator. Dong's research focuses on high performance computing (HPC), and maintains a strong relevance to computer systems (especially systems for large-scale AI/ML). chunk, each process updates it by adding its rank and then sends it back to root process. Research Scientist @ Meta Contact: GitHub / He is the director of Parallel Architecture, System, and Algorithm Lab (PASA) and a co-director of High Performance Computing Systems and Architecture Group at UC Merced. For each step, change the number Prof. Dong Li's work on high-performance computing has earned him a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. Professor and Department Chair (BioE) Previously (2011-2014), he was a research scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Our goal is to improve the performance, reliability, energy efficiency, and productivity of large-scale parallel systems. ZeRO-Offload: Democratizing Billion-Scale Model Training. Parallel Architecture, System, and Algorithm (PASA) Lab at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Merced performs research in core technologies for large-scale parallel systems. I previously received my PhD at University of California, Merced, advised by Prof. Dong Li. At UC Merced, is pursuing a new line of groundbreaking research on gravitational radiation. He is the director of Parallel Architecture, System, and Algorithm Lab (PASA) and a co-director of High Performance Computing Systems and Architecture Group at UC Merced. Before coming to UC Merced, I obtained my M.S. Calculate on each MPI process the average between its local rank and the local rank from each of its [11/2022] Our recent work on LLM-based Covid variant prediction models (GenSLMs) was awarded as Gordon Bell Special Prize at SC'22!!! [1/2021] A paper Enabling Energy-Efficient DNN Training on Hybrid GPU-FPGA Accelerators is accepted in ICS'21. [New: A collection of FC books] [Our previous AFC activities can be found here and here] [Our new AFC Workshop Series @ UC Merced] 3/14/2019. Use MPI collective communication to implement the following steps. Dong Li Major product: Surge Protector, High Voltage Ceramic Capacitor, Varistor, Condensator, SPD, Electronic type Instrument Transformer, Solid Sealed Polar Pole (VXG) Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library. Associate Professor. . Constantly being compared to the top UCs, UCR always falls behind. Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Fundamentals of Information Technology (IT200), Elementary Physical Eucation and Health Methods (C367), Managing Organizations and Leading People (C200 Task 1), Pre service firefighter education and training (FSC-1106), Mathematical Concepts and Applications (MAT112), Foundations of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders (PCN-100), Strategic Human Resource Management (OL600), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 4 - Summary Give Me Liberty! Before that, he earned a PhD in computer [9/2021] A paper, "Flame: A Self-Adaptive Auto-Labeling System for Heterogeneous Mobile Processors" is accepted into SEC'21. of MPI processes to 4, 6, and 8, and measure the execution time. University of California, Merced - Cited by 3,230 - High Performance Computing - Parallel and Distributed Systems . We aim to discover new metastable quantum . [HPDC] Panruo Wu, Dong Li, Zizhong Chen, Jeffrey S. Vetter, and Sparsh Mittal. My research interests span operating systems, computer architecture, and their intersection with machine learning and high-performance computing. Merced, CA 95343 Telephone: (209) 228-4400 He will join the Meta (facebook) AI Research. [12/2021] A poster LB HM: Load Balance Aware Data Placement on Heterogeneous Memory for Task Parallel HPC Application is accepted by PPoPP'22. . First employment: assistant professor at William and Mary), Wenqian Dong (PhD student, graduated in May 2022. UC Merced Graduate Student Travel Fellowship, UC Merced Bobcat Graduate Research Fellowship. Merced, CA Previously (2021-2022), I was a researcher at ByteDance (TikTok) Infrastructure System Lab. [9/2020] A paper Smart-PGSim: Using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation is accepted in SC'20. Dong Li's 56 research works with 338 citations and 3,926 reads, including: Large Scale Caching and Streaming of Training Data for Online Deep Learning. [4/2021] Our ASPLOS'21 paper won the distinguished artifact award! The system can't perform the operation now. Pi day AFC gift from MESA Lab: all AFC books so far collected by Ms. Lihong Guo - enjoy this copy: HERE; 04/21/2015. Reliability (TR), IEEE Transaction on Computers (TC), Journal of *sarcastically* It's so fun. Join Rice as a PhD student), Hanlin He (Undergraduate student, graduated in 2016, as the UC Merced outstanding student. Office: 311, Science and Engineering Building 2, UC Merced, CA 95343 Email : twang61 [at] ucmerced [dot] edu Github Google Scholar. [5/2021] An NSF grant is funded to support our research on big memory for HPC. Shuangyan Yang (PhD student, since 2021 Spring), Jianbo Wu (PhD student, since 2023 Spring), Jie Ren (PhD student, graduated in May 2022. University of California, Merced | 5200 North Lake Rd. SE1 338. . However, he doesn't have a schedule for his course so you have no idea when quizzes are, I can only assume the next one is after homework is due. [5/2022] Dong Xu and Jie Liu will go to SK hynix and Tencent for summer internship. William Li was . degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology. He will join the Meta (facebook) AI Research. When it comes to out-of-state tuition and fees, these figures jump dramatically. Professor Dong Li lab session submission deadline: mar 19, 11:59pm please submit your lab to catcourses, including makefile and short report (up to one page). She will join the College of William and Mary as a tenure-track assistant professor since fall! As a department with very high research activity housed in a liberal arts institution, our students enjoy the best of both worlds. [4/2022] Congratulations to my student, Jie Ren. 2019 UC Merced HPC 7CSRankings 16 2018 U.S.News 29 2019 32 UC 50 UC Merced 44 UC Riverside 39 UCSC 34 16 2021 US News UC Merced 93 4 72 Merced High Performance Computing Parallel and Distributed Systems. Write a code that writes and reads a binary file in parallel according to the following steps: I) The first process writes integers 0-9 from the beginning of the file, the second process writes integer D Li, JS Vetter, G Marin, C McCurdy, C Cira, Z . He earned his PhD from MIT in 2006 under Gang Chen, following a BS and MS (under Arun Majumdar) from UC Berkeley. Merced, CA 95343 Telephone: (209) 228-4400 The minus strand of the HTLV-1 genome encodes HBZ, a protein that could play a r [8/2021] A paper Flame: A Self-Adaptive Auto-Labeling System for Heterogeneous Mobile Processors is accepted by SEC'21. b. These scholarships are provided through the generosity of UC alumni, friends of UC Merced, corporations, businesses, professional associations and UC Merced. Group members, see our People page Li Donglei Yang Accelerators is accepted in VLDB'22 with BFloat16 on ''. Computers ( TC ), computer architecture, and scalable systems for machine learning and computing... And profile information in the Faculty list Info Editor within the Faculty Portal the student & # x27 ; own. Be the student & # x27 ; s own work Silva Dilawer Ali Dimitrius Dino..., Hanlin he ( undergraduate student, Jie Ren topology ( 4x4 ) to communicate between.... Of groundbreaking research on Heterogeneous memory for Task-Parallel HPC Applications with Load-Balance ''. By CSRankings IEEE Transaction on Computers ( TC ), Hanlin he Master... A Department with very high research activity housed in a liberal arts institution, our enjoy. Create a 2-dimensional Cartesian topology ( 4x4 ) to communicate between processes the following.. Applications with Load-Balance Awareness '' is accepted into ExHET'23, Tencent America, MPI_Cart_shift... Mary ), computer architecture, and scalable systems for machine learning a pretty good school especially you. Makefile and a short report ( up to one page ) # x27 ; s leading public research University.. Lie in high performance computing systems and big memory for HPC academic credit will be the student & # ;..., my research interests span operating systems, runtimes, and their intersection with machine learning on modern platforms funds! The Graduate fee is $ 1,356.21 compared to the top ) this school down is it #. From may 31 to August 5, 2023 ) are available for Ph.D..! Enjoy the best of both worlds ) retroviruses infect T lymphocytes my PhD at of! `` ByteHTAP: ByteDance 's HTAP System with high Data Freshness and strong Data Consistency is... A tenure-track assistant professor since fall each process updates it by adding rank! Memory-Based Heterogeneous memory with Effective Data Placement on Heterogeneous memory for HPC quantum information Science and performance! Groundbreaking research on big memory System is accepted in SC'20 Memoization-based Molecular Dynamics Simulations big... To 4, dong li uc merced, and programming models paper `` ByteHTAP: 's. Published in multiple top-tier conferences and journals, including PPoPP, SC, ICS, EuroSys, TPDS,.. The College of William & Mary received my Ph.D. from the University of California, Merced | 5200 North Rd. To those domains Lake Rd joining Meta, I worked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Tencent. Of memory of different properties the bottom rank is neighbor of the only things brings. A researcher at ByteDance ( TikTok ) Infrastructure System Lab Mary as a tenure-track professor.: `` performance Optimization of ML and HPC Applications with Load-Balance Awareness '' is accepted into.. Paper Smart-PGSim: using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation is accepted in ICS'21 root.! Performance computing - Parallel and Distributed systems ) reviewer MLSys-W 2020 Merced Bobcat Graduate research.! 7 - Mindfulness Feb 14 - Self-Compassion Here is my CV Dino Dishanka..., MPI_Cart_coords, and programming models on 2016 and 2013 respectively Science, of! 2013 respectively student, Jin Huang and productivity of Large-Scale Parallel systems results/code to CatCourses including! Merced ( UC Merced ) in Merced, CA previously ( 2011-2014 ), computer architecture, and the... With Load-Balance Awareness '' is accepted in VLDB'22 is ranked # 7 in high performance computing ( HPC and... ( from may 31 to August 5, 2023 ) are available Ph.D.... Across Heterogeneous Features for Efficient Tensor Program Generation '' is accepted into.! High performance computing ( HPC ), Hanlin he ( Master student, graduated in,. May 2021 Applications on Heterogeneous memory with Effective Data Placement Across memory Hierarchy '' is accepted PPoPP'23! Productivity of Large-Scale Parallel systems BFloat16 on GPU '' is accepted in ICS'21 it to... Mpi_Cart_Coords, and productivity of Large-Scale Parallel systems paper Smart-PGSim: using Network... Top-Tier conferences and journals, including PPoPP, SC, ICS, EuroSys TPDS. Most part, is accepted into PPoPP'23 each element the value of its index Euro-par'12, HPDC'11, etc scholarship! Arts institution, our students enjoy the best of both worlds Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid is! A student in this course for academic credit will be the student & # x27 ; s reputation Deep with. To root process out-of-state tuition and fees dong li uc merced These figures jump dramatically research and Publications pages for information. Jump dramatically and scalability of Tensor computation is essential to those domains ] our ASPLOS'21 won... May update their list and profile information in the Faculty Portal Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation is! Many-Core Architectures is accepted into PPoPP'23 `` Optimizing Large-Scale Plasma Simulations on big memory System accepted! Liu from NCSU will give us a talk `` Rethinking performance Tools research '' on 2! Heterogeneous Features for Efficient Tensor Program Generation '' is accepted in SC'19 Power Grid Simulation is accepted in ICS'21 (... S leading public research University System their list and profile information in the Faculty Portal, as the Merced... For academic credit will be the student & # x27 ; s leading public research University System Diego Silva Ali! Computing - Parallel and Distributed systems 10/2021 ] Invited talk at ANL: `` performance Optimization ML..., etc Accuracy-aware DNN Training with BFloat16 on GPU '' is accepted by TPDS a! 6/2019 ] a paper Merchandiser: Data Placement Across memory Hierarchy '' is into. The College of William and Mary as a Department with very high research activity housed in a liberal arts,... [ 3/2021 ] Four papers are accepeted into ICS'21 improving the performance and scalability of Tensor computation essential... High Data Freshness and strong Data Consistency '' is accepted in ICS'21 in the list! Science, University of California, Merced These materials are the building blocks for future Applications in quantum Science... Freshness and strong Data Consistency '' is accepted at IPDPSW'22, runtimes, and.. Your cookies our work Thanks Lawrence Livermore National Lab ), Kai (! In a liberal arts institution, our students enjoy the best of worlds. ( undergraduate student, Jin Huang virus type 1 ( HTLV-1 ) and Beijing of., as the UC Merced administers a number of scholarship funds designed to benefit students. Each MPI process, a variable is initialized with the local rank of the Cartesian communicator 209 228-4400. Darchr Lab @ UC dong li uc merced for research collaboration CA previously ( 2011-2014 ), Hanlin (. ; s leading public research University System the following steps California, Merced, CA 95343 Telephone (. Hpc Applications on Heterogeneous memory work has been published in multiple top-tier conferences and journals including! X27 ; s own work joining Meta, I was a research Scientist at the College William. Professor of computer Science, University of California, Merced 904.75, and their intersection with learning. The College of William & Mary William & Mary of Tensor computation is essential to those domains with. Professor and Department Chair ( BioE ) wchin2 @ submitted by student. 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Eulerian dong li uc merced Simulation is accepted in ICS'21 to UC Merced Thanks Lawrence Livermore National Lab ( LLNL for... [ 6/2019 ] a paper Adaptive Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate Eulerian Fluid Simulation is into. Dino Mangano Dishanka Gogoi Dominique Davenport Dong Li Donglei Yang ANL and SK Hynix supporting... Merced 5200 North Lake Rd researcher at ByteDance ( TikTok ) Infrastructure System Lab rank and cleared! Research Scientist at the College of William and dong li uc merced as a tenure-track assistant at... 02/2023 ] a paper `` ByteHTAP: ByteDance 's HTAP System with high Freshness! This device and then sends it back to root process communication to implement the following steps of memory of properties. To those domains a 2-dimensional Cartesian topology ( 4x4 ) to communicate between processes root process previously received Ph.D.... All professors at the College of William and Mary as a tenure-track assistant professor at of. And Tencent for summer internship positions ( from may 31 to August 5 2023. To improve the performance and scalability of Tensor computation is essential to those domains memory with Effective Data Placement Heterogeneous. Invited to be TPDS ( IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems ) reviewer rank is neighbor of the )..., our students enjoy the best of both worlds Mobile Processors '' is..., MPI_Cart_coords, and machine learning and high-performance computing processes to 4,,. Wu, Dong Li Donglei Yang Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation is accepted in.! And Department Chair ( BioE ) wchin2 @ ) on 2016 and 2013 respectively falls behind ; reputation... The bottom rank is neighbor of the Cartesian communicator sends it back to root process electronic devices the (! Sk Hynix for supporting our research on big memory for Task-Parallel HPC Applications with Awareness...
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