Im leaving it at that. Even after the girls were recovered, Mr. X stayed around through all of the media and police hubbub for the next eight hours, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, so his truck was out at the crime scene for 26 full hours, with Mr X presumably with it the entire time. The police chief says he is 99% sure that the main suspect, who is named, committed the crimes. Delphi, Indiana from at least 1984-2021. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? Hobbies: Raising goats, riding and fixing up Harley-Davidson motorcycles, very avid deer hunter, handicrafting wooden signs. Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. Within a ditch along a country road on her way home from school shortly after her murder. He is happy to do so. How about never? Sources Didnt he at the time live down the street from Logan? My ideas, of course, are just speculative like those put forth by others. Familiarity with crime location: Extreme. He posted a photo on Facebook around three weeks to a month after the murders. the healing energy of your hands pdf; Evidence in the Delphi, Indiana, double murder case was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details, including that suspect Richard Allen's gun was linked to the crime scene. The rumor that there was a spent cartridge at the scene is therefore confirmed. That is when they discovered Klines fake anthony_shots profile, soliciting minor girls online. Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. I dont know if Mr. X is part of the groups promoting the trail system, but for some reason, I doubt it. Pregnancies are also risky for 13 and 14 year old girls. Its more secure. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. We would say it is low. See I dont remember ever saying to meet up with me, though, Kline responded. At this point, they dont even have enough for an arrest. 2-13 again. Hmm . Mr. X was employed by Indiana Packers around 2011 or 2012. We also have at least one other search warrant for another home. Dont pay any attention to that.. That piece of information being leaked and generally accepted by the public doesnt do a damn thing to preserve the integrity of the investigation.. I am featuring a world renowned psychic detective through an interview Ill be conducting tomorrow. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Im seeing in between. Hes a mechanic by trade, but used to drive trucks and works for a local trucking company with a high profile. There are men going down on this all the time all over the US. However, shouldnt that same exact principle/logic apply to Mr. X? You claim he works at Indiana Packers then say his profession is woodworking. To say these girls had things shoved in them without proof is horrible for their parents. The Delphi Murders were committed by a coward a small man who can only feel big when he instills fear in others but he is an organized coward. We believe she never showed up, he never called the wife, he never lost his keys in the first place, and there was no spare set. No, he came up with the lost my keys gambit to explain why his car sat at the cemetery from 6:30 PM the day of the crime to 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were found, a period of 18 full hours. Lawyered up, not talking. Trials. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. Can you spell out the name? The recently-released interview transcripts happened after Kline was interrogated by an Indiana state trooper and a sheriffs deputy on August 18, 2020. Double jeopardy? The point is that that Mr. Holder had nothing to do with this crime. But now we have an excellent regular LE source close to the investigation giving us regular updates, the best LE source weve ever had. These are the facts about the man LE suspects is BG. Also theres only one way for LE to know that BG filmed his crime if the rumors about sending video of the crime to the girls phones afterwards is true. Anything that shows they crossed the creek that evening. Via LE Source A, we learned that LE has only recently started to believe that BG (Mr. X) is also responsible for the Evansdale Murders. Indiana detectives reveal fake male model Instagram account - set up by jailed pedophile - was used to CATFISH the two 14-year-old Delphi girls murdered in 2017 - in bombshell development Makes no sense at all. On February 13, 2017, the two friends went for an afternoon walk, where they posted social media photos of their adventures that day. I wish I could delete this comment because it made no sense. One of the girls, likely sensing danger, recorded the mans voice on her cellphone. There is no doubt in my mind or anyone who is in possession of an IQ higher than double digit range that Ron Logan is not the killer. BG must have fired his gun at some point in this crime. There are cases like this all over the country. He could have called his wife, who was friends with Becky Patty, and the wife could have told him about the girls going missing. After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. 5) He parked near the cemetery, but not at the cemetery. No longer in state. Authorities are now looking if he could be connected to the 2017 killings of two teenagers, known as the Delphi murders. People are saying this is a coincidence, but apparently LE does not believe it is coincidental. However, an interesting theory is that BG may have attempted to frame Ron Logan with this crime for obscure reasons. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thanks for all the info much appreciated. I want you to know that your comment is no longer there. However, Goodpaster says any additional forensic analysis could be the key to solving the murders. Delphi murders: Family of James Chadwell says he is 'absolutely capable' of killing 2 teens He reappeared on radar last month when charged with kidnapping, attempted murder of 9-year-old. But all theories must be judged against their competitors (Occams). His favorite color is green: like the woods, like the loot. We agree with that because we think they were sitting in his pocket the whole time! He had those white see through covers that cover the bottom of the home to the ground, theyre placed to separate the spacing in between the home and the ground. Answers to questions about my credibility. There was some sort of a large object, apparently of toy, at the crime scene that was too large for BG to have had it with him on the bridge. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. Im actually a rather shy, introverted, cautious, and extremely polite person who is terrified of making people mad, getting called creepy, offending people, etc. That is all it can possibly be. Train tracks and you guessed it, more fields, parallel to the gas station. CDP CDP+ Delphi DS150 Delphi DS150E with Autocom 2014. Police: Umm you had told investigators umm and I know you say you dont remember a girl that you ever talked to but I know you remember Liberty German? The only places he differs is where he thinks that the police are wrong! It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Delphi murders investigation timeline:Review the case through 5 years of reporting. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. Its burgundy. Unverified but Likely. It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. I could be completely off base and change my mind tomorrow. But answer me this. Number 5 was told to JM, an excellent local sleuth, and then to us by an Indiana detective who works in Narcotics based on crime scene photos he had seen. He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. An asterisk means the information is proven via LE information leaked to us. We also do not know why out of all of the places to search, he happened to pick the exact location where the girls were killed. Amazing work! Why would they NOT want to look for those types of things in a child murder with likely sa involved? Everyone was crowding around to look at the crime he had committed. Would be interesting to know if Garett Kirts was on Ron Logans property that day. Important friendships: Very casual friend of Mike Patty, father of one of the girl victims. Probably at least 6 weeks pregnant if the rumors are true. One of our team members talked to a detective in Kentucky a couple of years ago who told us about this expunged conviction. when you send someone a file, you retain a copy for yourself. 4) He was married many years prior. Like a coward, we would add. Now, Im not a member of LE, and I have never claimed to have investigation experience, but I believe Im a fairly intelligent person with at least average reasoning skills. The behavior of LE throughout the entirety of this case is, to put it as nicely as possible, questionable, and to state the truth, just plain stupid. You had mentioned in one of your blogs not being sure what he did for a living. 6) He has a family member thats buried in the cemetery near the Monon Bridge. The doc is his property. Richard Allen, the suspect arrested in Oct. 2022 in connection with the murders of Liberty "Libby" German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13, in Delphi, Indiana. I noticed your nice comment on my YouTube page, thank you so much for your reply! Any info you can get us on this will be much appreciated! We suppose if was listening to a police scanner, he could have known that early, but whats the likelihood of Mr. X listening to a police scanner between 5:30-6:30 PM on the day of the crime? Answers to questions about my credibility. The 2017 murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German in Delphi, Indiana, shook the country. It was all over by 3:30 PM. I believe that came from the leaked DE texts, and I would really like to know if that has ever been confirmed by anyone in LE. I also believe 1) that all of the dolls found there were not put there after the crime but that this was an area that the perpetrator visited often to perform some kind of sadistic acts using the dolls, 2) that he was at that site when he perhaps saw and/or used binoculars to spot the girls on the bridge, 3)went to the bridge and then took the girls to his sadistic-acts place to perform those acts on live persons. He did commit the crime because the younger sketch is just BG in catfish form, his other younger personality that he used to snare victims. Instead they were penetrated with inanimate objects, which, last time I checked, do not cause pregnancy. See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. The murdered girls, who attended Delphi Community Middle School where they played saxophone and volleyball together, had visited the bridge before the day they died. Its all about the zero-sum game. Good advice. We dont know who his roommate was in Delphi and then again in Evansdale, and we also dont know what sort of work they had both been moved over there for. He just wanted dirty pictures. Sexual age orientation: Pedohebephilia, nonexclusive, AOA 8-14. He was also scared to join her group because I was in there and he was afraid of me. I doubt it. Were the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Net for years now. Tell her I said HAVE A NICE DAY! And I seriously doubt that any of those POIs have access to all of those sensitive case documents or that any of them have a personality like that. Libbys phone did not record him for 43 seconds. Lets call this the intuitive hunch of an MI veteran. Wife left him. I find it ironic that he lived close to the Flora fires, and it wouldnt surprise me if he was linked to Evansdale as well. There is no way he would come back later to stage anything because he wouldnt know how safe it was or how many law enforcement would be around. See video. It could explain why there was such a drastic image change of BG from first sketch to second one. The problem here is that before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families and a few friends. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. A girls hand wrapped around a knife which was plunged into a log that she was resting her head on. Thing is, over time your information tends to get better. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. DELPHI, Ind. How about getting your moneys worth? A handgun, in order to do ballistics tests on it. Girls in the pedohebephilic age range (8-14 years old) were brazenly abducted two at once from trails in busy parks in rural Midwestern towns in the middle of daytime with many people around. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. I didnt mean to imply that, sorry. Mr. X is married to BP sister which makes him Libbys uncle not blood relatedheard it somewhere on the Net it would be easy for you RL to check that out . to find the killer or team of killers. Robert, have you heard that Mr X had a deer blind on the Mears property? Little if any good information comes out of these places. (Mugshot source: Indiana State Police) He wasnt searching for his keys early on. Could be something more nefarious. One thing I always have to remind myself of is that LE is allowed to lie to the public. That is the statement from the woman on the search team. I would like to email this , as it is not particularly relevant to the comments on this page. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. You dont need a degree, credential, and a license to do this job, you know. Also, the props were put at the scene later too, perhaps after the girls were killed. The Top of the Line: Studebakers President features Studebakers premier model that debuted in 1927. Education history: Primary and junior high unknown. Robert Lindsay is the leader of a sleuthing group that presently has ~230 paid members. I see T. Neighboring state. Possible Harley buddies (friends who ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles), as Mike is an avid Harley rider. Weve been proven correct on eight different things that only the police could have known. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Court documents newly obtained by WDRB link a man in jail with social media accounts police are investigating in connection with the murders of two young girls in. Hes a local executive of a government function or perhaps better yet a nonprofit of some sort. We know he had binoculars with him and he told the girls that he was a railroad policeman who had spotted them with binoculars. Theres only one parent. 2 people did the actual murders and a woman behind the initial plan. Do you think an LE source might be talking to one of them or perhaps someone who knows one of them? Indiana State. If its who I think it is, you can tell her I said that. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. Problem is they only have nine markers on that partial sample. A log was placed in front of one of the girls, and a doll was placed in front of the other girl. Its buried under settlement and underbrush. The search warrant list a number of items that LE is looking for. The only case I am familiar with is the Bittaker-Norris Murders in Southern California. Knives. There are fields behind his home! First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. I hav followed both cases very closely. The event, entitled New and Old Wars, New and Old Challenges to Peace, takes place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday at McKenna Hall in rooms 215/216. We do not have a copy of that gag order, but we were told that one had been issued by the courts. Robert, I am wondering why no reply to my question? Mr. X is a very close friend of Mr. M. Mr. M was a 20 year old man who impregnated one of the girls. It has been said there were dolls and stuffed animals around the girls. I tend to suspect the latter of the two rather than the former. Logan was never formally named a suspect and never charged in the Delphi murders. There is a suspected child killer in the Bay Area who is responsible for 5-10 child murders. Your critiques are not even making sense. What do they mean hes just a decoy? You learn which rumors have promise and which have not panned out. They just accept everyone as long as you say youre straight. Theres no evidence that either man has been to the bridge even one time! Of course, we know now that they were killed but as far as LE was concerned, that very night, those girls were alive and may have been in desperate need of assistance. Kelsis DNA was the only DNA found on the bodies. 11) I see his home. Ive looked this man over and I cant think of anyone less likely to commit this crime. Rumor is that Abbys was pink. If any of you want to sift through there and find some interesting stuff and post it here, please feel free to go for it. I really dont see a motive for RL. If so, where and when? People really seem to take him at face value and think that because he is older, hes not capable of committing such a crime. Holder has an alibi that he was working out at a gym at the time. I would think a crime like this would occur and the perpetrator would be gone. Say for instance LE arrested Mr. X and charged him with the double homicides of these two girls. Which of them is LEs chief suspect? He has not been charged in the Delphi case. EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of 'botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe - as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer's pet. Hes a greedy businessman with dollar signs in fluttering eyes that sound like clanging cash registers every time he blinks. She recorded them for a good six minutes and definitely longer. Police: Right and you know you talker (sic) to her and you admitted to talking to her? If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? I think cycles finally straighten out at age 15. So I held off. It was all over by 3:30 sure takes a lot of the heat off of LE for calling off that search, amirite? 4-lane highway. BG is a 50 year old man and the three other men are younger, age 17-26. We can look into any case we want! LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. All rights reserved. Of course, we empathize with their losses, but sympathy wears thin when someone is screaming in your face. Apparently he planned this abduction to occur at precisely this time, which is shocking. Its a dead end. Last, I want to bring up RL and the dirty hand LE dealt him throughout all of this. Just thought I would steel you for that thought. Who are you friends with. He was like a manager there or something, in Delphi!!! To do this, he uses the knives the deer kit that BG has around his waist. Do have any knowledge the workers from Indiana who were transferred over there in 2011-2012, which plant they came from Indiana and which plant they came to work on in Evansdale? But he also got wrapped up in collecting and apparently trading real deal child porn with little girls. And Mr. X or BG is the one who used that catfish to bring Libby in. We have an LE source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just that. Theres no woman among them. Is there any meaning to these numbers or is he just playing sneaky, tricky games with us like these guys often do. It is interesting that they are looking for precisely 43 seconds of audio. Are we making up lies about getting information from police when we actually have no contacts with them? Yes, they would be looking for it, because if you know computers etc. Then he needed 2-3 months of therapy to work through this traumatic experience. I guess this need continues into adulthood, but I like a little meat on my bone. But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. Yes, the police have told us that they now think that Bridge Guy or Mr. X did Evansdale too. (inaudible), Police: You, you admitted you talked to her . Not sure why that is. LE doesnt like being lied to, especially when they are investigating a double homicide. Though she cannot comment on this investigation since its ongoing, she MAY be able to offer clues. Could be to cover their own asses. I would like to know if he has any motorcycle club affiliation, especially regarding a certain outfit with a reputation to be feared around that area? We also dont know what he was doing searching down there that night. Same with Evansdale probably too. He killed at least five people, specializing in young women. Also, a copy of the police scanner is available showing that Mr. Xs wife is supposed to be coming to the site to retrieve Mr. Xs truck. The fact that we were given little to no information about what really happened to Abby and Libby other than they were murdered by BG) from LE says a lot more to me than LE lets on. They have enough suggestive evidence to make them think he did it, but if you look a the nature of their actual evidence, its awfully thin. Not quite sainthood, but getting there. Employment history: Unknown prior to 2011. If you have heard about this case and wish to discuss it, feel free. And Im sure that the Delphi police could say the same thing. Would you please email me? Derrick German: Libbys father, meth dealer, convict who served time in prison and supposedly ratted people out to get a lower sentence. Distance of residence from crime scene at the time of the crime: Less than 2 miles to the east along the creek. The sheriffs deputy did not work on the case. He lives in an ivory colored mobile looking home within the country. We think people need to stop talking about DNA. Thank you so much! If he didnt have his keys, he could not move his truck. Friends with Ron Logan on whose property the crime occurred. Even if somehow she didnt know about some surrounding neighbors, couldnt LE just show her (or FSG or the bickering couple in the park etc,) a pic of Mr. X and get verification that way? FSG, or DMC: Probably shouldnt use his real name, but hes on everybodys suspect list. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? MYSTERY continues to surround the so-called Delphi Snapchat murders, nearly five years on from the killings of two teenage girls in Indiana who were found dead near a train track back in 2017. The catfishing situation is not what we think. They act like Im sort of deranged psychopathic maniac whos a danger to women and children. Mr. Xs wife, his daughter, and Becky Patty are now putting out a story that Mr. X never lost his keys in the first place. Only if he had sent this much audio to one of the girls phones after the crime. He was 18 in 1984, so we figured he graduated that year, but maybe he graduated in 1986 when he was 20. What it does do, however, is make LE appear to be slightly less incompetent for calling off that search if Abby and Libby were confirmed to have been deceased before the search even started. What? Every podcast is all about them! The Hanish & Bowen case have revealed this for them (thus the new direction & young BG sketch & ditching of old BG sketch in 2019 a month after Hanish)I bet Hanish was catfished using that Anthony_Shots account toohe mustve been told or overheard info about the Delphi murders & therefore removedBowen removed for either the same thing or fact she knew the truth behind Hanish murder (b/c I definitely am not buying that Kirts is bisexual & choked him out during a weird sexcapade, gimme a break). Because that is a deer kit around his waist. I am friends with one of the parents and to my knowledge, no one has been told if this was sexual or not, only people have speculated. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. Im a real nice guy, I treat my commenters well, and Im basically this mild-mannered, unassuming, intellectual, professor type. He was right in the middle of all the police and media, and no one suspected him. I almost feel as though LE doesnt want to solve this crime, and that scares me. Professor at a local university, known for the Geocaching Theory. Police say they also discovered an unspent round from a gun near the girls bodies. Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a way, I just hope she shared with law enforcement. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. Hence, following Occams, our theory is the best explanation of the facts. The conviction is expunged. . Why would they NOT want to look for those types of things in a child murder with likely sa involved? Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. He stayed to guard his truck. Apparently claimed that he saw Mr. X in another town around the time of the murders. Hes in prison where he belongs. He was also being investigated as a possible suspect in the kidnapping and murders of . I sorta did wonder where he was from 12 to 430ish. High Robert, See? Furthermore, we have two different LE sources, both detectives in Indiana, tell us that this is exactly what happened. 1950 brazil world cup tragedy. She feels he is a current POI who is working OT to divert attention away from himself and mislead the public. Furthermore, almost nothing of consequence is being said, and it reminds you of a night with your friends drinking, and no one says one thing of importance for hours. 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. We dont know why he asked permission to search Ron Logans land at 6:30 PM, but this is also a huge red flag because he asked to search the land a full half hour before the fire department had even announced the formation of a search team. Not because theres any evidence that they were lookouts, but more because everyone in that situation at the time of the murders is being looked at that way. Indiana Packers workboots go up to knee-high, and they are waterproof. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. This lines up nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG used binoculars in this crime. At least two prior marriages. If they tried to take it to court, I am almost certain that the judge would throw it out before it even got to the trial stage. You write an article saying some guys not involved, and you get swamped with threats to track and hunt you down? So, yes, although the Evansdale girls were mere skeletons when found, LE believes they were posed. Never knew what the case was against this man other than that he had property near the bridge, and he and his wifes alibi of being out of the state traveling got a bit mangled. After almost three months, 16,000 tips and 500 interviews, Delphi murder investigators admit it's been hard, but they're just as confident as they were on Day 1 that they'll find who killed. The guy that is making those videos about Mr X, and the guy by the name of Derek godsey. They are within the video. Not sure if its Tennessee, or Texas? Did he see BG? I actually had written a letter to law enforcement that I failed to send, of which I was reading from. Some people are very insistent that Ron Logan is the killer. This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. Great to see you back on the case! Some of this confusion is probably natural, since the the whole B family has gone underground. Kline was arrested in 2020 on charges unrelated to the Delphi murders. See, Im not like how they say at all, am I? This is getting ridiculous. I doubt if its important. That can only mean one thing. I wont reveal who I am talking about here though it should be obvious. These guys are mostly narcissists and they dont believe in cooperation. I am sure the person you and Mr. Lindsay are speculating who BG is, is spot on. The theory is that he was in on these murders for mercenary reasons, such as a malign desire to purchase Ron Logans land. Why would they deliberately contradict their own beliefs? One stepson, age 21 with the same first and last names. Delphi Investigators Are 'Actively Pursuing' Accused Predator James Chadwell, Libby German's Grandfather Says Reward in Killings of Delphi Teens Libby German and Abby Williams Rises to $325K. All I ask is that you say that our suspect is named Mr. X, and we absolutely refuse to identify this man. One person wins and everyone else loses. Mr. Lindsay, If he is wearing Indiana Packers workboots, this solves one more question. I am creating a special article about this to link to in order to deal with the constant hate comments in this regard so I dont have to keep going over this stuff in every update. Isnt that logical. Down The Hill: The Delphi Murders is a new, groundbreaking true crime podcast from HLN. I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. This page sic ) to her guys often do Mr. X in another town around the time all the! Police have told us that they are waterproof believes they were penetrated inanimate! Has gone underground and you guessed it, more fields, parallel to the east along the creek evening. First and last names scene is therefore confirmed to a detective in Indiana, shook the country killings two. 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