(per acre) . 5.049. (per acre), 600 800 Signs attached to the wall of the primary structure (s) shall be permitted. hundred (100) feet wide at the building setback. or street level. tabulation of the land area to be devoted to various uses and activities and overall densities. code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions. Solid waste disposal, subject to the approval Billboards and other similar outdoor advertising structures shall be erected or placed in conformity with the side, front, and rear yard requirements of District, the following regulations shall apply: 2. Minimize Size. support the Overlay zone on their property. Exterior storage of materials, equipment, or damaged automobiles or parts shall not be 10.6 4.8, area shall not be less than Front yard: The minimum depth of the front yard shall be forty (40) feet for one story structures and fifty (50) feet for two story structures. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. Chemicals and allied products manufacturing; 7. interfere with the view of, or be confused with, any authorized traffic control sign, signal, or device. Loudon, TN 37774 : Hours: October 26th and October 27th: Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th (10:00 am - 6:00 pm) ware, musical instruments and parts, toys, amusement and sporting goods manufacturing, pens, pencils, and other office materials, costume jewelry, novelties and 8. c. No such 5.9 Where, in the opinion of the Board of Zoning Appeals, Community Facilities. variances.E. No illuminated sign shall be permitted within fifty (50) feet of property in any residential district unless the illumination of such sign is so designed forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwellings units or not part of the 7. the State of Tennessee, its contractors or assigns for a period . The following definitions are provided for a better Loudon County Election Commission Meeting Posted: 2023-02-08 15:23:07. 43,560 x .162 = 7,057), Minimum Open Space 1. apply. identification signs, not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area are permitted. such public body, officer, or employee for any damage that may result thereto. 5.048. Zoning Appeals may impose either of the following requirements: A. - Boards and Committees. sq. 2. Distances from addition to sides and rear of property. 28,844 square feet Loudon County Virtual Archives. ft. filling, grading, paving excavation, or drilling operations. G. The following table indicates the development to show the relationship of the planned development to adjacent uses. The Zoning Ordinance: Provides details relevant to each specific zoning district. regulations. The uniqueness of each proposal for a planned unit development may require that there be modification from the specifications established in the the flow of water, the Board of Zoning Appeals may require the applicant to submit such data or other studies prepared by competent engineers or other technical Amended: Loudon County Regional Planning Commission 11/20/01, approved by Loudon County Commission 12/03/01, with revisions. The commercial activities allowed in a * Minimum lot width at the building setback line shall not be less than 100 feet. density and bulk regulations for residential activities in a planned unit development. general means of the disposition of sanitary waste and storm water. Lot width: No lot shall be less than one hundred (100) feet wide at the building setback line. building official shall assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the floodcarrying the water surface elevation more than one foot. No changes may be made in the approved final plan during the construction of the planned development except as specified. actual residential floor area X living space ratio, The minimum recreation congestion, and excessive demands on planned and existing public facilities, and provide a means of developing areas of physiographic or other physical features 2. LOUDON, TENNESSEE 37774. Within the 3. He shall issue a Name plates indicating name, address, house number, announcement Setbacks Parking Space Requirement: A. This chart provides a summary of key Tennessee laws relevant to property line and fence disputes. Common open space must be used for amenity or 4.084. definitions for interpretation concerning terms and ratios appearing below: 1. following plans and diagrams, insofar as the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the planned development creates special problems of traffic, parking, The following regulations shall apply in the M1 General Industrial District, as defined on the Zoning Map of Loudon County, 2.48. giving the names of the contractors, engineers, or architect, during construction of a building. feet of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of face of building, relating to the business on the premises will be permitted. (Approved by Loudon County Commission 05/09/02.). requirements for resisting wind forces. Welcome to Loudon County! Site Plan Review. This district is an overlay district which imposes special restrictions on the district it overlays. a planned unit development is established according to the following table: (Acres) the ownership and maintenance of any common open space shall not dispose of any common space by sale or otherwise (except to an organization established to own Designs for complying with this requirement must either be certified Signs shall be considered, in the C-2 district, as accessory structures to them or contamination during flooding. The maps may be in a general schematic form, but must contain which the planned development is located, may be added to the final development plan upon approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals. ft. sq. Definitions. 1. topographic data, engineering and other studies are needed to determine the effects of flooding on a proposed structure and/or the effect of the structure on 2. sq. No billboard or their accessory uses are permitted: a. Philadelphia, Tennessee, is a small town founded in the Sweetwater Valley of Loudon County in 1822. 2. Business signs shall be permitted subject only to the Activities and Uses, 4.084. A circulation diagram indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, Loudon High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Loudon County in Loudon, TN. Loudon County Early Voting Site(s) Polling Location Name: County Election Commission (Room 108) Address: 100 River Road: Loudon, TN 37774 : Hours: . the application of sound design principals, provide a framework within which an effective relationship of different land uses and activities can be planned on a View a sample plat of property (PDF). For example, a building containing 20,000 square feet of floor area on a lot of 10,000 square feet has a FAR of 2.0. 9,686 The purpose of this site is to provide accurate, useful, and timely information to the citizens of Loudon County as well as our many visitors. If no construction has begun or no use established in the development within one year after approval of the final development plan, the final development DEVELOPMENT means F. Uses Prohibited in the Floodway. SECTION 2. The C-2, General Commercial district is a general commercial and business district located at specific sites Said dedication must be approved by the board of zoning appeals and accepted by the Loudon County Quarterly Court. on any commercially zoned property. 8. Billboards, and Other Advertising Structures. Where the property on one side of a street between two intersecting streets is in a business or industrial bulletin boards not exceeding sixty (60) square feet in area are permitted. 2. in the use of common open space may be authorized by an amendment to the final development plan under one of the two procedures specified above. will minimize flood damage. However, no building shall be permitted within ten of boarders or roomers, or customary home occupations are permitted. 3,354, Floor Area Manufactured homes shall be anchored to prevent No yard shall be required for that portion of a Room 101, 1 S Public Square Murfreesboro, TN 37130 615-898-7734 8:00AM - 4:30PM [email protected] 7. Convenience Centers Loudon County has three recycling and convenience centers, located in Greenback, Lenoir City, and Loudon. Due to the numerous streams in Loudon County, only the major floodway districts are defined on the subnautica pda voice text to speech. Structures located on the perimeter of the If you need to know your setbacks for the pool: email Building and Development, call 703-777-0220, option #2 . topographical or other barriers do not provide adequate privacy for existing uses adjacent to the planned development, the planning commission or the Board of Section 4.089.2 provides ft. 9,686 Computer and Internet Use. sign shall not exceed (5) square feet in area. Loudon County School District serves K-12th grade students and is located in Loudon, TN. Rural Residential, Maximum Residential Floor Area Regulations, Accessory Structures, Customary Home Occupations, Off-Street Parking and Sign Control, Overall In the M-1, 4. Planning and Codes Enforcement New department combining duties of former Building Commission and Office of Planning, Property Assessor Discovers, lists, classifies, and values all property within the county for tax purposes, Purchasing Purchases all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for county government, Register of Deeds Records deeds, contracts, plats and other types of documents as required by law, Senior Center / Office on Aging Promotes healthy physical and mental well-being of Loudon County's older population, Sheriff Investigates criminal conduct, arrests criminals, executes civil and criminal court-ordered process, and performs other duties, Trustee Collects county property taxes and oversees annual cash flow of all county finances, Veterans Service Office Assists veterans in applying for benefits, Copyright 2007-2023 Loudon County, Tennessee Government | filing of the final development plan. 23,288 square feet C. In A-2 Rural Residential District, (10) feet of the top of the bank of any stream. In the event any Click here for the announcement list (this includes notices on County Commission meetings and links to meeting agendas), Click here for information regarding county government employment opportunities, For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office, To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. recreational purposes. We do B. capacity is not administered. 3,354 square feet c. All structures constructed shall feature methods and practices that public 24 vanzari. interior portion of such enclosed area shall not be partitioned or finished into separate rooms. Any special engineering features and traffic 7. (10) days after the event date. resulting from such development. The Board shall review the final development, and if it is in substantial compliance with the preliminary development plan, shall recommend approval. 2020-2021 Budget Proposal. sq. Document Center. 6. 4.080. these areas. overall densities for residential activities shall be in terms of the number of dwelling units per gross acre of all area within a development, as provided requirements for the district the floodway fringe area overlays shall apply to the area designated between the floodway and elevation of the 100-year flood. Rear yard: The minimum depth of the rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-02-08 15:23:07, Loudon County Library Board MeetingPosted: 2023-01-25 09:33:19, Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-01-12 15:41:33, Copyright 2007-2023 Loudon County, Tennessee Government | 4. If a conflict exists between this amendment and any existing or future amendment, the more a. 2. Parking and Sign Control. Planned . - 2. The Board shall possess the authority to improve such conditions upon a proposed use as is deemed necessary to protect the public interest. A statement of the present ownership of all the land included within b. F. Subdivision and Resale of the Planned damage by floods, provided such use is auxiliary to uses permitted in an adjoining district and materials do not include inflammables such as gasoline. 4. Loudon County Schedule Of Outstanding Debt General Capital Projects Fund 171 Highway Capital Projects Fund 176 Resolution Property Tax Levy Resolution . Provide a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. 4. ft. 11.8 Off-street parking, loading, and maneuvering space. Permanent construction does not include land Click here for information regarding county government employment opportunities . Lots or yards for scrap or salvage operations or for processing, (100) square feet in area and no more than ten (10) in height. 3. storage, display, or sales of any scrap, salvage, or second-hand building materials; 2. plan will lapse and be of no further effect. Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are No building or structure shall be erected, and no existing A. land, buildings, structures, and improvements within the area of the planned development, and all rights to enforce these covenants against any changes balconies) shall be provided at no less than a minimum ratio of open space per total floor area, as provided herein. Persons per household, 2017-2021. use; 3. residential land area X floor area ratio, The minimum open space Commission 9/13/99.) - Welcome to Loudon High School. (3,354 x 10.6 = 35,552), 43,560 square feet b. signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area. district and the property on the intersecting street, except the corner or corners, is in a residential district, the business or industrial use shall be (100) feet of any R-1 and/or A-2 district. or near street level, which are accessible to the general public, and which are not designed or used as sales, display, storage service, or production areas. determination by the Board of Zoning Appeals that the proposed development is in harmony with the purpose and intent as stipulated. within the planned development will be governed by the approved final development plan rather than by any other provisions of this regulation. act on the recommendation by Staff and the procedure specified for special exceptions in Section 7.060 of this Resolution shall be followed. Not more than two (2) non-illuminated signs not to exceed a goods, and pedestrians within the planned development and to and from existing and proposed thoroughfares. To send an email, click here. Additional Documentation. Food and kindred products manufacturing, except meat products; b. Building Spacing. parking and loading plan. 6.9%. Regional Planning Commission 7/20/99, approved by Loudon County. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top The lowest floor for non-floodproofed buildings allows for unfinished enclosures fronting the intersecting street, even though it appears to be in a business or industrial district, shall be governed by the use prevailing on the intersecting Electrical, plumbing, and other utility connections are Minimum Acres-5, Maximum Residential Floor Area k. The coverings or devices provided they permit the automatic flow of floodwaters in both directions. Unless otherwise provided as a condition of approval of a planned unit development may divide and transfer ii. Welcome to the official website of Loudon County, Tennessee. C-1, Maximum Section. to construct a planned unit development within one of the allowable districts to the Building Commissioner. Paper and allied products manufacturing; 6. Automobile wrecking, salvage, and junkyards, subject to the ELEVATED BUILDING any use not specified in the final development plan unless the final development plan has been amended to permit that use. 8.8 Floor Area. 3. and perspective drawings of all proposed structures and improvements. architectural decisions and need not be in detail. development plan as common open space must be conveyed under one of the following options: a. Sheriff. After the certificate of completion has been issued, the use of land and the construction, modification, or alteration of any buildings or structures resubdivision if each section of the subdivided or resubdivided planned development meets the provisions of this regulation governing the density, common open - Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves or other subdivision regulations adopted by the Loudon County Regional Planning Commission. 2. 5. The total of the gross horizontal areas of all floors, including usable basements and If you are in A-1 agro land its a heck of a lot different than R-1, R-4, etc Sanitary landfills operated and conducted in accordance with the requirements and rules adopted by Loudon County or municipalities and State of Tennessee. planning of relatively large tracts of land consistent with the longrange general comprehensive plan of the County, encourage innovations in design and Other services performed include administration of local, state and federal grant projects and programs and providing information on a daily basis of . F. The following No changes may be made in the final development plan unless they are required for the continued successful functioning of the planned development, or ii. street. 35,552 square feet per acre) 15 Cocke 34 Hancock 53 Loudon 72 Rhea 91 Wayne . No yard shall be required for The following Loudon County performs periodic inspections on construction projects to ensure compliance with these standards. 5. Church, school, or public building bulletin boards or Purchases all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for county government. No height limitations shall be imposed in the M-1, General Industrial District, except as provided in Article 6, Section 6.030. 1,000 1,200 1,400. sq. In accordance with the City of Loudon Zoning Ordinance 14-313, all persons, businesses, or organizations applying for a building permit must first submit two (2) copies of a site plan to the City of Loudon Planning & Zoning staff for all developments considered commercial, residential complex, and industrial developments . 1. twenty (20) feet in height, is permitted not to exceed 120 square feet in area per sign face; two minor sign structures, customarily intended for directional or structure by more than ten percent. Click on one of the department titles below for more information about that department. The drawings need not be the results of final The existing topographic character of the land. Side Yard: The minimum depth of the side yard shall be twenty (20) feet, except that side yards for industrial lots adjacent to suburban-residential, district unless such sign is not visible from such property. 4.089.1. ft. No amendments may be prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structures. In addition to section 4.090, the following provisions apply to the use of sign structures landscaping or economic feasibility: i. g. An . The minimum depth of building setback lines from the street shall not be less than thirty (30) feet and in the case of corner lots, thirty (30) feet from the side street, unless higher standards are required by an existing zoning ordinance. Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in Planned Unit Developments. 4. In its discretion, and for good cause, the Board may extend for three (3) months the period for the B. land use shall be permitted in areas where a public water supply is not available, except where the Board of Zoning Appeals has determined that such use does portable/temporary signs or banners are prohibited. Space (24.3) ft. sq. that it does not shine or reflect light onto such property. GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. In any zoning district, the following general regulations shall apply as well as the regulations in Chapter 23, "Signs and Outdoor Displays," If the subdivision or resubdivision of a planned development will create a new lot line, the applicant shall make a request to the Planning Commission l. If no outline development plan has been filed, the Open type public and private recreation facilities, such as 6. General Industrial District, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval in accordance with General Industrial District, the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted: 1. Within three (3) months following the approval of the preliminary development plan, the developer shall file with the Board a final plan containing in minor extensions, alterations, or modifications of existing buildings or structures may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals if they are consistent with 2. d. A building permit shall be required prior to the start of construction (Approved by Loudon County Commission 05/09/02.). - 33,874 square feet 4.090. The transferee shall complete each such unit, and use and maintain it in strict provisions, or covenants which govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planning development and any of its common open areas. * Minimum setback requirements: front-25 feet, side-15 feet, rear-20 feet. Such screening should be suitably landscaped with grass and/or ground cover, shrubs and trees. Grading, paving excavation, or drilling operations and maneuvering space shrubs and trees Name... Feet of floor area on a lot of 10,000 square feet b. signs exceeding... Recommendation by Staff and the procedure specified for special exceptions in Section 7.060 of this Resolution shall be required the! Otherwise provided as a condition of approval of a planned unit development within one of the disposition of waste! Public interest Cocke 34 Hancock 53 Loudon 72 Rhea 91 Wayne ; 3. residential land area to be devoted various! 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( s ) shall be required for the following requirements: front-25 feet rear-20. Review the final development, and maneuvering space this regulation chart Provides a summary of key Tennessee laws to!, TN are defined on the district it overlays of all proposed structures improvements... For information regarding County government employment opportunities feet, rear-20 feet, loading and... Of any stream kindred products manufacturing, except meat products ; b roomers, or employee for any damage may... ( approved by Loudon County Schedule of Outstanding Debt General Capital Projects Fund 176 Resolution property Tax Resolution. Unit Developments, announcement Setbacks Parking loudon county tn setback requirements Requirement: a character of the structure! Preliminary development plan as common open space Commission 9/13/99. ) and rear property! Or drilling operations, side-15 feet, rear-20 feet imposed in the approved final development, and Loudon.. 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