As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The companies were allowed to defer payment for many months at no interest, and the Government stored the grain for them at no charge. In 1970, the Government was paying farmers $3.7 billion in subsidies, mostly as an incentive not to plant. A Cullman, Ala., contract grower whose attempt to organize poultry farmers was crushed by the processors (with some assistance, he charges, from the Agriculture Department) refers to his neighbors as the last slaves in America. Economic studies indicate that poultry farmers are kept in virtual bondage, forced into everincreasing debt as a condition for receiving each new contract from the processors, then working long days raising tens of thousands of companyowned chickens for pennies an hour. Get big or get out, he routinely thundered. As their desperation grew, farmers failed to practice sustainable farming methods, which exasperated the Dust Bowl. He brooked no dissent. He also advised farmers to get big or get out adapt or die, in the belief that bigger farms were more productive. analyzed the issue of executive immunity in terms of general policy considerations, and stated its conclusion, quoted supra, in the same universal terms. Popular among farmers, he was known for creating new free-market policies in American agriculture. The smarter ones were even learning, albeit more slowly, not to believe such things. 0000029355 00000 n Twitter, Follow us on I tried to interview him last fall for Grists Sow What? It's true that if we suddenly stopped exports, food prices would fall, he says, but with falling prices paid to farmers, production the next year would be cut back. He was Secretary of Agriculture from 1971 to 1976 under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. 0000067829 00000 n 0000044482 00000 n 0000061644 00000 n Despite helping to eradicate acute hunger and malnutrition, the bill devastated small farmers and contributed to decreasing the number of farms in America by 63%, effectively changing rural landscapes and economies. If lie doesn't get it, he'll have a firstclass farm issue on his hands because we'll have enough of a surplus to remind farmers that he's been against higher Government price supports. The General Accounting Office warns that such a bumper crop could deal a serious blow to the farm economy, because the Agriculture Department has no real plans for dealing with either surpluses or shortages. It also undermines my claim that Butzs remark was not anti-Catholic. 0000042932 00000 n He was named to succeed Clifford Hardin, a quiet universitychancellor type who lacked the fighting style Nixon thought he needed in the 1972 election campaign. Although Butz publicly emphasizes that the United States cannot and should not use what he, at the same time, frankly calls agripower as a weapon, he is fond of noting that Rumanian Agriculture Minister Miculescu once told him: You've got a weapon more powerful than the atom bomb: you've got soybeans. Butz took two days off from chairing the Rome World Food Conference two years ago and went to Cairo with a little wheat in my pocket They had the red carpet out for me there. 0000045340 00000 n And the best way to become a Senator is to get on TV and demagogue the food issue.. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in 1932, and then a doctorate in Agricultural Economics in 1937. And although the income of the big farm producers has risen substantially, the largest share of the increased prices of food has probably gone to the middlemen. 0000009209 00000 n Days after Butz died, the Wall Street Journal reported, In the U.S., farmers are razing old barns, ripping up sod and grassland, and uprooting fences some in a routine attempt to improve land, others in an effort to make room for the grain boom.. From February 1993. 0000053719 00000 n 0000072106 00000 n . 0000005075 00000 n 0000058450 00000 n Plant fence row to fence row, he exhorted from his bully pulpit. 0000067068 00000 n 26 206 0000011078 00000 n Finally, when some of the grain giants could not get enough wheat on the open market at prices they wanted to pay, the Agriculture Department sold them millions of bushels from Government stocks. Secretary Earl Butz was the was the Secretary of Agriculture during President Nixon ' s term . But, if you hit the button that adjusts prices for inflation, there is was a huge spike in corn prices after the Russian grain purchase. 0000065934 00000 n [2] He attended a one-room country school through eighth grade and graduated from high school in a class of seven. He emphasizes that the flight from the farms to the cities has slowed down during his reign; that the decrease of 11,000 farm units in 1975 is well below the annual decrease of more than 95,000 before 1969. This led to the domination of the bigger farms over the smaller farms . Gerald Ford dispatches him to farm states, where sometimes Ford has been successful in the primaries, as in Illinois'and sometimes not, as in Indiana and Nebraska. 0000070881 00000 n 0000053132 00000 n There are those who regard him as the leader of the Great American Farm Revolution, those who regard him as Gerald Ford's greatest political asset, and there are political experts who can't decide whether Jimmy Carter is being smart or being dumb when he says he would dump Butz if he were elected President. The Dustbowl that ensued temporarily eradicated farming from Americas most fertile lands, threatening the countrys ability to provide. 0000045725 00000 n [20], Butz returned to West Lafayette, Indiana, and was named dean emeritus of Purdue's School of Agriculture. He left both of the aforementioned posts in 1957, when he became the Dean of Agriculture at his alma mater, Purdue University. 0000052132 00000 n 24 Since subsidized crops are less expensive, and therefore more sought after, farmers who grew subsidized crops saw the most success, while those who did not fell behind. They pointed out that he was leaving the board of Ralston Purina Company to become Secretary of Agriculture, while Hardin was departing the Agriculture Department to become vice chairman of the same firm. this enabled the farm kids to do what? First published in 2009. 0000060447 00000 n 0000047170 00000 n 0000051487 00000 n Farm income has shot up from $14 billion in 1970 to $26 billion now, and even after these figures are adjusted for inflation, they still reflect a nearly 20 percent increase. In addition, consumer food prices jumped. But you've got to make choices, and you're not going to be right all the time. But the man likes confrontation, and uses it to disarm his critics. The International Food Policy Research Institute reported recently that such deals will make less food available to poor countries. [citation needed], For example, he abolished a program that paid corn farmers to not plant all their land. Your support keeps our unbiased, nonprofit news free. Subsidized foods became less expensive, yet were higher in energy than unsubsidized crops such as fruits and vegetables, so Americans were financially inclined to purchase them. After some indecision, Dean used the line in Rolling Stone, attributing it to an unnamed Cabinet officer. As usual, the country dealers and farmers of Iowa got the short end of the stick, says former Iowa Senator Harold Hughes. Butz's critics also noted that he was a director of three large agribusiness corporations. In 1954, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Agriculture by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The obituaries for Earl Butz who went to his reward Feb. 2 at the enviable age of 98all note that he will be remembered less for his accomplishments as Agriculture secretary under Presidents. 0000055062 00000 n D. in agricultural economics (1937) from Purdue University. Earl Butz: Father of the Modern Food Subsidy System. Congress offered nominal amounts of money to some Native Americans inhabiting land relinquished during expansion efforts that included the Land Ordinance of 1785, but sales were involuntary. 0000070129 00000 n 76-709. He's on the side of people who buy from farmers and sell to consumers.. In 1972, the Soviet Union, suffering disastrous harvests, purchased 30 million tons of American grain. As part of our commitment to sustainability, in 2021 Grist moved its office headquarters to the Bullitt Center in Seattles vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood. 0000058905 00000 n Here's How. YouTube, Follow us on [5][6], Butz met the former Mary Emma Powell (19111995) from North Carolina in 1930, at the National 4-H Camp in Washington, DC. 0 Increased production contributed to deforestation, higher emissions of greenhouse gases, and a greater need for fertilizer and pesticides that contaminated water sources and accumulated in the food chain. 0000011887 00000 n document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In addition to providing lifelong history lovers, teachers, and students free access to premier digital research, the editors and writers of U.S. History Scene are available for freelance or consulting work. For a few years, those actions seemed like a good business decision. 0000042400 00000 n Author: Earl L. Butz The American Food Machine and Private Entrepreneurship Earl L. Butz | December 1977 The modern American Food Machine is perhaps the greatest single source of strength undergirding the unparalleled level of American living. BY TAKA YAMAGUCHI In 1976, then-U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz coined the now infamous phrase, "food is a weapon.". Earl L. Butz, Self: King Corn. 0000005254 00000 n Earl Butz has, in other words, clearly become the country's most controversial Agriculture Secretary since Ezra Taft Benson, and, after his recent behindthescenes struggle with Henry Kissinger, he has probably also emerged as the most powerful in history as well. Current agricultural policy has proved this as well, as America can no longer sustain the health and environmental implications of subsidy fueled factory farms. 14. [3], Butz was an alumnus of Purdue University, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. The only newsroom focused on exploring solutions at the intersection of climate and justice. 0000049967 00000 n Earl Butz Oral History Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum 3 Butz: Oh, Nixon was warm and personal when you got to know him. %PDF-1.4 % 0000029565 00000 n But over the years not unlike his political patron, Nixon he returned to respectability. 0000064563 00000 n 0000054470 00000 n 0000043465 00000 n 0000064816 00000 n They had two sons, William Powell and Thomas Earl Butz.[4]. allowing/demanding more to be grown what is the fertilizer they used? 0000061181 00000 n It gives farmers access to consistent income. 115-334, Enacted December 20, 2018] 1970 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1970 1965 Farm Bill - Food and Agricultural Act of 1965 1956 Farm Bill - Agriculture Act of 1956 1954 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1954 1949 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1949 It was obvious, however, that policy decisions in this area were being made at the State Department. But by regulating supply and demand, reduction efforts restored the prices of agricultural commodities to those of the early twentieth century. 0000009251 00000 n 3 For Butz and his agribusiness cronies, the program amounted to socialism an intolerable check on farmers ability to plant and harvest as much as possible. Nevertheless, there has been, as Butz asserts, something of a revolution in American agriculture during his tenure. 8 Due to government assistance, American farmers experienced continued success during and immediately following World War I. While farmers scrambled to get big or get out, Butzs beloved agribusiness giants cheered. The department's lax supervision of the grain exporters should have been known to Butz, because in the early 1970's the entire focus of expanding agricultural trade was on grain. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. Butz attempted to end. While most agricultural policy is distinguished by financial assistance to farmers, it has undergone dramatic changes due to shifting demographics, the rise and fall of slavery, international grain trade, and war. 0000050525 00000 n Millions of hogs, cattle and chicken were sold for slaughter as producers reduced their inventories. He thinks using grain in foreign policy is really a fun game, one department official said of Kissinger. endstream endobj 36 0 obj<> endobj 37 0 obj<> endobj 38 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 71 0 R] endobj 39 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 70 0 R] endobj 40 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 69 0 R] endobj 41 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 68 0 R] endobj 42 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 67 0 R] endobj 43 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 6 66 0 R] endobj 44 0 obj[/Indexed 45 0 R 5 65 0 R] endobj 45 0 obj[/ICCBased 61 0 R] endobj 46 0 obj<> endobj 47 0 obj<> endobj 48 0 obj<> endobj 49 0 obj<> endobj 50 0 obj<> endobj 51 0 obj<> endobj 52 0 obj<> endobj 53 0 obj<>stream In the chart below, it looks like there was an unprecedented spike in corn prices in 2008. Butz's bill was promptly ignored by Congress, which is now drafting a more thorough reform measure. 0000069741 00000 n 0000071060 00000 n After the Great Depression which featured the stunning confluence of huge grain surpluses, widespread hunger, and a tide of farm failures the Roosevelt Administration put in place mechanisms to help farmers manage supply.. And Brunthaver has since returned to Cook. 12The Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929, like the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923, sought to resolve low prices through the distribution of loans, but similarly failed to regulate supply and demand. Dont worry about overproduction, Butz told farmers on trips through the Midwest. 17The threat of another depression hastened the reinstatement of crop regulation through the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which restored financial security to farmers. After Butzwell, the jokes about gays limped along for awhile, but it finally sank in that racism and anti-Semitism would seldom be tolerated, even in private. Earl Butz, who died on Saturday aged 98, served as US Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and courted scandal by telling offensive jokes; he was eventually . Congressional investigators established that, in the massive 1972 grain sales to Russia, the Agriculture Department did not inform farmers about the pending sales and permitted the few large grain exporters handling the sales secretly to buy up huge supplies in the commodity markets at favorable prices. Butzs great policy change had given rise to the deepest rural crisis since the Depression. 0000066617 00000 n . As a result of the boom in exports of American grain, prices for grain shot up. Dr. Butz graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. Butz said to be furious, but took no steps to stop such shifting. In the 1920s, agricultural policies destabilized supply and demand and sunk the nation into its lowest state of economic despair during the Great Depression. We need to reject the "go big or go . When major corruption at the grain ports first was revealed publicly early in 1975, Butz's initial reaction was to minimize it and to stress that only a small percentage of inspectors had been accused of crimes. 0000043291 00000 n Homestead Act: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Programs & Services, Library of Congress). Library of Congress Home. 0000060947 00000 n 0000050911 00000 n Indeed, the Agriculture Department has provided little support to those in other branches of the Government who have attempted to investigate the middlemen in the farmtomarket price spread and to probe the monopolies in the food industries, which include proces sors packagers, wholesalers, shippers, supermarkets. 16The average income of farmers, which doubled following the first farm bill, fell to late 1920s levels, and farmers returned to practices of overproduction to make ends meet. "Get big or get out," Butz told farmers in 1973, and boy, did they. 0000049017 00000 n They went heavily into debt to finance their expanded operations. 0000063406 00000 n Top 10 Earl Butz Quotes (2023 Update) - Quotefancy Top 10 Earl Butz Quotes (2023 Update) 1. The act granted settlers one hundred and sixty acres of land, which they would own outright on the condition of improvement after five years of homesteading, or could purchase at a low cost after six months. It took a while to convert President Ford and Butz's remarks about that are revealing of the manner of this man who has become the nation's top agriculture policy maker: I told the President that a year ago we had the whole Midwest in the palm of our hand and we piddled it away with interference with grain exports. Exasperated the Dust Bowl business decision International food what policy did earl butz promote in 1973 Research Institute reported that...: Primary Documents of American grain 0000061181 00000 n but over the smaller farms our unbiased, nonprofit news.! 00000 n 0000058450 00000 n it gives farmers access to consistent income the deepest rural crisis since the.! Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity from 1971 to 1976 under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald.... 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