The soul is seen as the core principle of life or as the essence of a being 1. With the fast development of globalization economical communications become more frequently which brings more inter-cultural advertisements. Compared to a Western education, an Eastern education thought holds on to the concept of teaching. The reason is the location of the chert. Both Eastern and Western Europe were very similar and contrasted in the way they used absolutism. They were all hunters and gatherers utilizing the time seasons and game for that time. The population in Western countries is more liberal than those in the East. There was not word against between these two kinds of educational systems. 0000002334 00000 n The journey towards knowledge is essential in gaining resolve, diligence and requires steadfastness, concentration and humility. Unlikely from East this type has comparatively relaxed learning approach. qy"C=BF0slq6:'&>E`uI)YP Retrieved from. 0000007465 00000 n Much of the time I felt different and unable to articulate or express my As long as a student pays the college money to go there, the college does not normally have very many requirements the student has to reach in order to attend their campus. However, this is not a fixed category. (2008). Lin J (2006). But that did not include technology and finance. Assessing Mathematical Attainment NFER- NELSON. Chan Buddhism in China and Zen Buddhism and Samurai tradition in Japan (McGraw & Hill In this essay I would like to examine and evaluate these differences. This also has its downsides, as Western students may feel that just because they cannot succeed in academics, they cannot succeed in any other field of their choice. Eastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. WebSimilarities in Eastern and Western Philosophy 635 of Western and Eastern philosophy as though they fall into two opposed groups, such that Eastern philosophy proceeds by intuition, the abstract and the alogical, while Western phi losophy proceeds by concepts, the concrete and the logical. A Holistic Approach to Learning and Teaching Interaction: Factors in the Development of Critical Learners. Holistic education is a thoughtful response to the ecological, cultural, and moral challenges of our age (Gallegos, 2001). He adds that creativity, curiosity and individuality are not allowed in Chinese education. In contrast to Eastern schools faulting students and their families for academic failure, disappointing returns from Western students are often made the fault of institutions who have failed to support their learning. Taking hold of curriculum for oneself requires no longer simply delivering someone elses mail (Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery & Taubman, 2000) ; it requires re-reading that mail in terms of the requirements arising in this moment with this student, right now. With its origins in the competing philosophical schools of Hellenistic Greece, the genre of the "philosophical life" provided verbal portraits of paradigmatic figures - usually rulers and philosophers - that epitomized diverse approaches to knowledge, piety, and the virtuous life. In Western education, with beginning of education that there were not only spiritual but vocation education also. They started very similar in the pre-modern times. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Asian societies have generally been more focused on the needs of Critical thinking is a skill that is impossible to teach directly but should be interwoven with the content of the curriculum. Eastern Europe Regarding teachers as facilitators and guide. 0000002903 00000 n Giri AK (2011). Children easily lose information when they learn by rote. Cultural anthropology, per cent of those students are from Asia (DFAT 2012). Religion, HOMOSEXUALITY: A COMPARISON OF WESTERN AND EASTERN VIEWPOINTS BORGEN Magazine is produced by The Borgen Project, an influential humanitarian organization working to make global poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy. Green regeneration has become a common strategy for improving quality of life in disadvantaged neighborhoods in shrinking cities. The high performance of people from eastern part of Nigeria in areas of business trade farming and handiwork seem to trigger a curiosity to explore into its primary reasons. As noted by se (2011), learning expands our human potential alerting us to possibilities in our environment to which we have previously been blind and place brings meaning and relevance to our actions. An island nation, Japan developed over the centuries in isolation from the West, though in most arenas, its achievements compared favorably, not least in the their level of literacy. Children are normally discouraged from voicing their own opinions. Qualitative research, Comparison of Different Thinking Patterns between Eastern and Western Advertisements 4(2): 257-271. However, we have to underline the discussion is about philosophies. This article is published under the terms of the Creative "A significant contribution to the history of Late Antiquity, specifically, the history of philosophy and the history of religion unique for using biography as the lens through which to view an age of religious and cultural transformation. Both prescribe a way back to the true and the good (Young, 182). Conversely, the key Whereas in Asian cultures they tend to see struggle more as an opportunity." Eppert C, Wang Hongyu (Ed.). The Comparison between Western and Eastern Education Philosophies It could not be denied that different places have their own different culture and background of the societies. As a result of this movement, Premium So the question is, How can we make a system which promotes the best learning and produces a holistic development in our students? New York, NY. Therefore, people in Eastern cultures push themselves harder in order to pass the tests they are put up against, opposed to students in Western cultures who do not try to motivate themselves because they simply do not need to. While as Australian education has each procession that from easy to difficult, it can be make the students are more interested in the subject., EASTERN EDUCATION AND WESTERN EDUCATION by Jesslyn C. Wildman P, Inayatullah Sohail (1996). Philosophy Aside from being a religious belief, Islam is considered a heritage and cultural identity. However, to decide which purposes these educational types are pursuing, first thing that must be done is to analyze primary concepts in divers fields of this issue. the Hinduism and Buddhism in India (McGraw & Hill 2008). 0000005189 00000 n Although the east and west are mixed up with the each others culture, they still retain their own features. Hinduism also started the path of recarnation the other eastern rileigion Buddhism also shared the concept of recarnation with Hinduism, Premium The promotion of creativity in learners: Theory and practice. There are stark differences between the two educational approaches. Let's fix your grades together! Paul emphasized the role of faith alone in justification, while James emphasized the importance of works as evidence of faith. Their educational systems are two fundamentally different approaches to teaching and learning. The soul can be described as the ultimate internal principle by which we think feel and will and by which our bodies are animated. Westerns experts state that to do mistakes is one of essential steps toward success. Manage. important. WebThe eastern culture used the banded pottery and constructed the square huts. The change teachers need to make from teaching to facilitating would be to let the students navigate their learning rather than dictating it. Indian independence movement, Assignment Eastern and Western Philosophers Comparison Paper These can be seen I will compare the Western philosopher Socrates to the Eastern philosopher Lao Tzu. Plural existing of assignments and projects make able to develop your research proficiencies and independence. Creativity in education and learning, a guide for teacher and educator. However, in other developed countries such as the US, learning occurs in a less controlled environment as parents, teachers and other mentors allow children time to participate actively in the learning process., However, the teaching idea in the content is very different. As Windelband (1956) notes, the historical past of the philosophy of the Greeks, like the history of their political growth, requires a bigger conception of its political relations would indicate. Understanding Curriculum: A postscript for the next generation. Main idea of monthly audits to score points, what invoke rushing through the textbooks to succeed deadline. 0 The subject of philosophy has always been divided along two lines of thinking the eastern and the western. Western schools, on the other hand, focus more on student participation in discussions, fostering innate human curiosity and encouraging students to challenge ideas. Religion Education must take into account socio-cultural changes and challenges. ;@b7%?ye>.krV- ,t6\pfje!asbtD a*,L34N8CCCYv&~rVNAXY+#iYh;xJnepNv/s+*Ng[N:?ANO@=)1Wp9{FgrYg=o]*=+:u 5`Jxj ,`M:o ~9pyQ>u v[|ac'i(Oc>K}}LzNL)NZbi!,+ ,n}b%G~SHN(HE}h`K1Sa~M)B` B Students in America can still go to college without certain test scores. Pedagogy and actions for sustainability are linked in the overall learning experience and global-local continuum is central to our thinking. The most important role for a teacher is to introduce our students to a wealth of wonderful learning opportunities so they are inspired to critically think and ready to face any challenge that life brings in front of them. Handbook of Research On Teaching. While Western and Eastern medicine may have slightly different principles, a 2019 article notes that the two approaches are similar, as they both aim to readjust the The Eastern religions each had their own cultural impact on society. Br. 0000004098 00000 n WebCari pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan Similarities between eastern and western culture atau merekrut di pasar freelancing terbesar di dunia dengan 22j+ pekerjaan. The holistic approach develops students to be critical, confident and independent (Patel, 2003). Students receive fully knowledge from the teachers inside the classroom. In Eastern education, achievement is linked to struggle and hard work. Comparing the two systems- Eastern and Western. Education system worldwide aims to develop students into well-rounded citizens, and help them become creative problem-solvers, independent thinkers and innovators. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Starting with a single community, a single school, or even a state is fairly easy. In this paper, I argue that, given the historic educational transformation in Socrates and Platos lifetimes, Socrates denial is far more complex and far reaching than the Socrates-versus-the-sophists distinction indicates. Eastern education emphasizes on memorizing (rote learning). New York, NY: Worth, 4th Ed. He adds that it aims to inspire young people to live wisely and responsibly in a sustainable and compassionate society, and to contribute to the building of such a society. Or, in the polar end of the spectrum, they may only value grades for face-value and do not care so much for actually digesting what they learn in the classroom. It too is framed by its nexus of disagreement. I would suggest it is the result of the different education systems. Hinduism, Western and Eastern Religion Comparison The dynamic approach to learning through holistic education aims for students to understand the various concepts in academics as well as discover for themselves the importance of values, of relationships, of life skills and the impact that the students have on each other. Commons Attribution License 4.0. WebComparison of Western and Eastern Animation Industry The word animation is not one a lot of us are unfamiliar with. Eastern students particularly view sheer effort as the primary way to do exceptionally well in school. Society Behavioural Sci. and ? Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Central nervous system, Comparison essay alas babylon and brave new world, Comparison essay between catcher in the rye and death of a salesman, Comparison essay between oedipus the king and death of a salesman, Comparison essay between story of an hour and rose for emily, Comparison essay between the lottery and hunger game, Comparison essay between the road not taken and stopping by woods on a snowy evening, Comparison essay between two short stories. Absolutism is a basic historical term meaning monarchial power that is unaffected by other bodies of power. HtTKo0W( fb;Vc~)2Nv"?~|Y"0FGRX$qD"/T{CXL? Set against this context, this paper analyzes a case study, the Lene-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, which was established McMillan, 3rd Ed, pp. 0000000696 00000 n Educational system need to support and train teachers in equipping them with teaching tools to support such an environment. In Asia, by contrast, childen do not have this ability; there is huge pressure on them to memorize. Available from: Both terms, union and/or divergence are not the instruments for constructive attitudes towards both philosophies. Philosophy, The differences and similarities between the Eastern Buddhism and Hinduism and the Western Christanity and Judiasm religious traditions had a cultural impact on the society during 1000 B.CE. Futures, 28(8):723-740. Education and Information Technologies, v26 n6 p6747-6769 Nov 2021. Absolutism was very prominent in Europe during the 16th century. Crossref. The purposes of the commercial advertisements are to persuade customers to buy those products and to earn great interests trough describing the products lively and specifically. Education can be broadly defined as a form of learning where knowledge and skills of a group of individuals are evolved through teaching. First of all, Eastern students more directed to book-learning. Nonviolence 0000001019 00000 n To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Education: East versus West. Parent Involvement in Education. endstream endobj 43 0 obj <>stream In this fast growing world of technology, when information can be found with just a click, the role of teachers is changing and moving away from teaching to facilitating the learning. WebMore commonly, however, parents in the east may adhere to stricter routines, and discipline due to their higher expectations set for their children. Instead, he simply denies that he is a teacher. WebBoth Eastern and Western Europe were very similar and contrasted in the way they used absolutism. This article aims to compare and evaluate these differences, in view of achieving holistic education focusing on the fullest possible development of the individuals. On the contrary, students see the teacher as a facilitator in the west and feel free to have discussions and debates with them creating a sense of ownership to learning. 0000000016 00000 n justice being of service to others education and the arts were supremely Using a broad American Studies perspective that draws on research in social and intellectual history as well as a critical interpretation of educational theory, Miller identifies key cultural themes that have influenced the purpose, structure, and methods of modern educational institutions. Some might say that the effort undermines itself; that this of all times in world history is the least appropriate for a comparative, global eye, seeking out the universal and fundamental. Eastern and Western education systems produce variant characters. Socrates lived in Athens which was a city that, Premium Curriculum Various scholars and institutions of higher Creativity in learning is about fostering flexibility, openness for the new, the ability to adapt or to see new ways of doings things and the courage to face the unexpected (Cropley, 2001). It is clear from these observations that cultural formation impacted on it. Students in Eastern countries have a deep sense of the collective, which subsequently drive them to amass knowledge and apply this acquired learnings to improve their societies. Eastern and western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. A common problem today is that we dont think. 376-391. Crossref. Huangs book on the secrets of the Extraordinary success of Asian-American kids takes an in-depth approach to the race, from the starting line to the finish line, and how best to prepare students. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Europe One being a reservoir host (wild birds rodents) and the other is a dead end, Premium Education has few similarities between eastern and western cultures The comparison between eastern and western culture shows that western education focuses on creativity and allows individuals to develop as much as they can. WebOn one hand, the Western industry can afford to spend millions of dollars on a single feature film as they have a much larger target audience due to its popularity. Jiang, It is worth noticing that in general, western education encourages individuals to pursue their true interests by honing a broad range of skills and areas of expertise, and eastern education promotes an efficient way of training them to perform tasks that require quick and precise thinking. In the East, the prime focus of learning is on the exams and grades. Essentially, I suggest that the Apology ought to be read as a work crafted to invite speculation on how Socrates differed from the sophists and what was his relation to the traditional education; yet Plato has placed obstacles in the path of possible solutions to the puzzles he presents. As the result,, Children learn from example, and although parents are the ones who need to teach their kids to grow up to be cordial, interactive adults; teachers also have to set a proper example. Improved and effective test taking strategies are needed in the modern schools whereby the stress and pressure on the students is reduced. Gradesfixer , Comparison Of Eastern And Western Education., Comparison Of Eastern And Western Education [Internet]. While other occupations that are out of ordinary or norm such as artists may be considered low or degraded. There were some similarities between Eastern and Western European Absolutism. Most people, however, would agree that hard work is worth it when children across the world benefit. One, Premium The East produces individuals who immensely value their privilege to educate themselves and thus have a tendency to have a life-long love of learning. 0000009119 00000 n Henk ten Have. The Differences Between Eastern and Western Education, The Feminist Workshops Impact in Ukraine. The newly established Greek National Curriculum for kindergarten is examined within a historical and cultural perspective. Larger class size means less flexibility in terms of room arrangements, group discussions and activities, and teachers find it harder to give on-on-one attention to the students. Keeping holistic education as the goal, the following could be considered to blend the system of east and west in order to bring out an individuals fullest potential: Memorization, a key component of learning. Western world Holistic Education: An Analysis of its Ideas and Nature. 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