You will then be asked to go to the clinic waiting area and you will be seen according to your appointment time. On the Foresterhill site, there is also the Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital and the Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN Tel:0345 456 6000 / If calling from abroad, then dial 00 44 345 456 6000. Please note, several types of clinic may be running at the same time. If there are any delays, please do not be concerned as you will be seen as soon as possible after your arrival at the clinic. VACANCY Consultant Anaesthetist (Interest in General Anaesthesia) Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 40 hours per week 80,653 (GBP) to 107,170 (GBP) per annum Tenure: Permanent . Appointments Your appointment If an appointment has been made for you to attend an outpatient clinic at the Hospital, you will find details of the date, time and which clinic you are to attend on your appointment letter / card. For clinical assistance, access the e-consult system, Antibiotics won't work for Viral Coughs, Colds & 'Flu, NHS Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS), Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Interventions (MNPI) Team, Community Perinatal Mental Health Team (CPMHT), Making a referral to the Chaplaincy Service (pdf), Standing orders for the proceedings and business of Grampian NHS Board, Staff Equalities Network (hosted within About Us > Equality and Diversity), The Mental Health and Learning Disability (MHLD) Public Empowerment Group, Work experience opportunities within NHS Grampian, Transport to Healthcare Information Centre (THInC). All enquiries Please contact the Patient Travel Officer at NHS Shetland as soon as possible so that your travel arrangements can be organised in good time. No 70 mile trip required instead it was from the comfort of my own home. Please bring your medicines with you, or a note of all your medication, when you attend for your appointment. The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) is a 1,677-bed acute hospital located in Govan, in the south-west of Glasgow, Scotland.The hospital is built on the site of the former Southern General Hospital and opened at the end of April 2015. A specialist is always responsible for the clinic session. General Enquiries. Non-emergency hospital visits Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Switchboard Health Care. Participants: Eighty-six patients diagnosed as having alopecia areata. Book an appointment online 0808 101 . For routine appointments or hospital treatment, you should not have to wait longer than 18 weeks. Please select 'accept' or 'decline' to continue. We'd really like to hear your thoughts about it through this short survey. Sometimes your GP will also have access to your results. Staff will direct you to the right place. Banff Hospital. For clinical assistance, access the e-consult system, Antibiotics won't work for Viral Coughs, Colds & 'Flu, NHS Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS), Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Interventions (MNPI) Team, Community Perinatal Mental Health Team (CPMHT), Making a referral to the Chaplaincy Service (pdf), Standing orders for the proceedings and business of Grampian NHS Board, Staff Equalities Network (hosted within About Us > Equality and Diversity), The Mental Health and Learning Disability (MHLD) Public Empowerment Group, Work experience opportunities within NHS Grampian. To make sure your waiting time is kept as short as possible: Your GP will not be able to arrange for an earlier appointment unless your condition deteriorates. If you are returning home by ambulance you will be picked up from the same clinic area. They provide practical transport advice for people who have difficulty getting to and from medical appointments in Grampian. Tell the healthcare professional if you're pregnant, have any allergies or are taking any medicines, including prescriptions, medicines you have bought yourself and alternative treatments. royal national throat nose and ear hospital consultant listthe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 . Treatments are also available for vaginal and rectal prolapse, faecal urgency/urge incontinence and pelvic pain. You Are Requesting An Appointment With Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. For clinical assistance, access the e-consult system, Antibiotics won't work for Viral Coughs, Colds & 'Flu, NHS Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS), Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Interventions (MNPI) Team, Community Perinatal Mental Health Team (CPMHT), Making a referral to the Chaplaincy Service (pdf), Standing orders for the proceedings and business of Grampian NHS Board, Staff Equalities Network (hosted within About Us > Equality and Diversity), The Mental Health and Learning Disability (MHLD) Public Empowerment Group, Work experience opportunities within NHS Grampian, Support With Appointments (, Discuss the things that concern you the most first, Make a list of the questions you want to ask the Doctor. We operate clinics throughout Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray. Aberdeen Outpatients. Telescopic surgery is known to be more successful at removing stones after . In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic the Breast Services at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary is making a number of changes to our standard practice. Breast Unit (Symptomatic) Out-patients All Urgent Suspected and Urgent Cancer GP Referrals will take priority and appointment booking will continue as normal. % Fraserburgh Hospital. Please note - Some of these sites are not staffed on a full time basis. Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Health & Social Care Partnerships, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Community Learning Disability Service Moray, Mental Health Improvement & Wellbeing Service - Aberdeenshire, Midwives Unit - Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Mobility and Rehabilitation Service (MARS), North of Scotland Research Ethics Service, Parent and Infant Mental Health Services (PIMHS), Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Integration, Aberdeen Health and Social Care Integration, Dental Practice Registration Availability. You must bring details of your benefits and appointment card when you attend the hospital. according to date of appointment as new posts are appointed. In an emergency In a medical emergency, call 999 and ask for an ambulance. A medical emergency is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. You can find the telephone number on your appointment letter / card. Many of our We Care learning and training . Notifying the DVLA does not necessarily mean the licence will be withdrawn but simply that the Agency can review the situation. Contact the hospital as soon as you know you cannot attend an appointment or admission (the telephone number will be on your appointment card or letter). Please take your appointment letter with you. As well as parking on the main hospital site, patients and visitors can also use the Lady Helen Parking Centre. Woolmanhill Hospital was a health facility in the city centre of Aberdeen, Scotland.It was the original Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a complex which opened in 1749 and was replaced by new facility at Foresterhill in 1936. thank you very much for your positive feedback the team will be delighted to hear you had a good experience. We support patients and their families where we can, through the often hard to navigate journey of having cancer. You may be asked to arrive slightly before your appointment time. Areas for patients' parking are clearly signposted. Ask if there is written information available that you may take away with you to read at your own leisure. Please be advised that the service has been suspended until further notice. Test your equipment before your appointment. Due to the pressure on car park spaces, please do not to leave your car on site during your stay in hospital. Walking brings many health benefits. The Corporation, in liaison with Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, used Woodend as a general hospital with a special block being set aside for the treatment of non-pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and similar cases. You may also find it useful to refer to the other sections. We'd really like to hear your thoughts about it through this short survey. Today the hospital caters for care of the elderly, orthopaedics, mobility and rehabilitation service (MARS), wheelchair services, Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) Head and Neck Outpatient Department, Audiology and Hearing Aid servicesand much more. All permanent members of staff wear a name badge that bears a photograph to help you identify them. Page last reviewed: 11 February 2019 Please select 'accept' or 'decline' to continue. Blue badge holders must not park on double yellow lines within the complex. Bradford Royal Infirmary Duckworth Lane, Bradford BD9 6RJ. If you are unsure about anything while at the hospital, please ask a member of staff, they will be happy to help. Constructive feedback is appreciated . The process to use Attend Anywhere was very easy, all the stress of driving through and finding a parking space taken away. You will need this to access parking on the hospital site. When are doctors surgeries going to properly open? Musculoskeletal conditions are problems which affect your joints, muscles, bones and spine. Outpatient queries Clinic C Reception 01224-552-242; Inpatient queries Ward 107 Reception 01224- 552-224 or 01224- 555-107; Sleep secretary . Please inform the staff if you do not wish students to be present during your consultation. IPC precautions for family visiting the hospital remain in place and include the following: wearing a face covering or fluid repellent facemask if provided. you can contact our booking centre. This information is to help you during your visit to our hospital. Please hand your letter / card in at theoutpatient'sreception desk. Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Trust Headquarters Acre Street Lindley Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD3 3EA Main Switchboard:01484 342000. Requesting an ambulance to support you to your appointment When you receive a hospital appointment, you may need help to get to the hospital. In Aberdeen City you can self refer for this service via the Single Access Point, the telephone number is 01224 558324. The NHS Grampian musculoskeletal physiotherapy service provides advice, assessment and treatment for those with musculoskeletal conditions. . Driving and medical fitness - reminder to patients Welcome to the Grampian Rheumatology website - GramRheum. When you arrive, go to the department named in the appointment details and register with the reception or kiosk, at the time you've been given. Learn more. This website was created by Dr Owen Dempsey with support from family and work colleagues. "Terrible lack of care and compassion". This service is currently rolling out in Grampian. Thanks for visiting the NHS Grampian website. PERTH ROYAL INFIRMARY. Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) receives over 115,000 referrals and provides over 330,000 outpatient appointments each year. No one is allowed to make unauthorised photos, video or audio recordings in NHS Grampian buildings and grounds, particularly if they feature other patients, staff, carers, or visitors. A Professional theme for 371 ) 372 Almondbury 372 Almondbury 372 Almondbury . There are parking bays (marked 'Long Term Patients') for those patients who have to attend frequently, over a long period of time or for continuing treatment. You should phone the ward before planning your visit to confirm what the visiting times are, by calling the NHS Grampian switchboard on 0345 456 6000 and asking to be put through to the ward. Kincardine Community Hospital, Stonehaven. BRADFORD Teaching Hospitals has extended the suspension of some non-urgent surgery and outpatient appointments for a further month from today (November 4), following a rise in the number of seriously unwell COVID-19 patients. It is most important that your rheumatologist knows this. Good communication between you both is essential. You can choose which type of appointment you have, which hospital or clinic to use and which specialist team will be in charge of your treatment, as long as they meet your healthcare needs. To use the service please call THInC on 01467 536111between 9am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday. They will do this as soon as they get the letter from your GP referring you to hospital. During these uncertain times, I was delighted that I was still able to have my outpatient appointment. You may not be seen by them, but by another clinician who can discuss your management with the specialist if required. We want to make sure that all patients who are waiting are treated fairly. If you qualify for ambulance transport and need an ambulance for your next appointment please let the staff at the clinic know. Pelvic Dysfunction physiotherapy - Our team provide physiotherapy for obstetric patients during ante-natal and post natal periods. visibility, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Neurology (Brain, Spinal and Nerves), This means that some features of Care Opinion won't work, We recommend you enable JavaScript in your browser and then. You may not need to wait the full 18 weeks. Giving them this information and asking any questions you have will help you get the most out of your appointment. I appreciate that not all appointments can be like this as some will require an examination. About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Gastroenterology (Stomach and Gut) and General Practices in Grampian. Find patient reviews, specialty ranking and compare with nearby hospitals. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Cardiac Day Ward, Cath Lab Recovery and Cath Lab Nurse. . Here is some information and guidance around your options. Parking attendants will direct you to these spaces. bZJjjj5W23j4uguzYgLy3YfNjhj5j44f44kih>"i&h7i!tuLFnm}JI>UE?KVej!lhclXmo cM(&n&9&M@cYmyjm5zM.OvBf ;mxvYtVukn{[q?MS.[[XpIT4tw>w3pKq;]>'Y%wwjsX T8~ ~vk(U Apt `]CBB~V> [NoQqbH(%fK.DL-Z{XMlAezV,\yyqq`v-{*/ao$-NxDINI&]_=UW))RSSEO Outpatients Outpatient clinics operate to provide healthcare to patients who require an examination or treatment, but who are not required to stay in hospital overnight. You may be asked to return to the clinic. However, if this is unavoidable, please let the ward staff know on your arrival so that parking staff can be informed. The active group massaged essential oils . This is to allow continual access for emergency vehicles, including fire engines. Don't be afraid to ask what you feel may be a stupid question. AB25 2ZN. If you plan to use your mobile, check its battery is charged and you're somewhere you can get signal. NHS Grampian would encourage people to walk to appointments where possible. Those receiving the above named benefits, travelling with children under 16 are entitled to claim expenses for one escort. Please tell the clinic staff if you are leaving the clinic or if you have been waiting a long time. We Care is a staff health and wellbeing programme established to deliver, co-ordinate and enhance staff wellbeing across NHS Grampian and Health and Social Care Partnerships. The central section of Foresterhill Road is for emergency vehicles and buses only. Locating wards, clinics and other services This guide (pdf) provides details of the various wards, clinics and other services that are based in ARI, including the floor level they are on. Arrive for your appointment or admission at the right time. Taymount Terrace. Lines are open 0800-1800 Monday to Friday. It may be helpful to look up local transport or parking arrangements. Check the hospital's website for more information. All permanent members of staff wear a name badge that bears a photograph to help you identify them. %PDF-1.7 About: Login Register . This could be your mobile or landline phone number. 1 Department of Dermatology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Scotland. If you are unsure about anything whileat the hospital, please ask a member ofstaff, they will be happy to help. Form a good relationship with your Doctor. The questions you have are important and can often indicate an important concern or misunderstanding. We provide outpatient care to people with Inflammatory Arthritis, Connective Tissue Disease and Metabolic Bone Disease throughout Grampian and The Orkney Islands. You can only enter the main site by showing your appointment letter to the attendant at the barrier. Please bring your medicines with you, or a note of all your medication, when you attend for your appointment. Please do not leave any valuables in your car. %H K9C^P ECP$hTBUP CW.4M@B`tX`28 Wvmy) dh &@$"BEN#/abL0_bY)Ta`0$3Ua~%$l. [b/bc8|qj\1nw7Mx% gE|%(,~?G oBA@# gqQCt bO#dIz$'R)TAj&]$= &d{r(O@ #_&S(J,ELN9L9GKyMRu@@}D}'E2Jjz)Mv^.J\t[fLI2S4Y`tbF+Orr^r\|CrFiMA6hict]GO'#WWf ]#Q8S00@UX8AS]2FP9T9WyEp.8 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Outpatients I was reassured by Dr McLeod that although my next appointment is to be the same format as today, it can be changed if required. We are based at three teaching hospitals: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary; Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin and The Balfour Hospital, Orkney. You may be asked whether you're happy for healthcare professionals who are training, such as medical students or training nurses, to be there during your appointment. These pages contain information which you and your relatives or carers may find useful duringa stay or visit. You and your healthcare professional will agree the type of appointment you're offered, based on your needs and preferences. NHS Grampian staff will patrol the facility to monitor usage. If you do not understand the letter, contact the hospital, clinic or your GP. If you think you may be eligible for ambulance transport please contact the Patient Ambulance Booking Service which is provided by the Scottish Ambulance Service. Welcome to Woodend Hospital. The lower levels must be kept free to allow patients and visitors easy access to clinical buildings. Visiting times are subject to change. Parking measures are in place on weekdays between 6.30am and 4pm. 6-8 weeks postoperatively. We also offer outpatient flexible cystoscopy (bladder inspection) at ARI in Ward 209 in the . Monday to Saturday during the daytime, services run every 15 minutes between the Interchange and Leeds and hourly onwards to both York and Hull (the latter introduced at the winter 2019 timetable change. A free shuttle bus service operates around the Foresterhill Health Campus and between the Foresterhill site, Summerfield House, Woodend Hospital, Royal Cornhill Hospital and the Health Village. The healthcare professional will describe what they discussed with you on the day and explain what the next steps are. If your treatment is to begin immediately, you will be given a letter to hand to your GP. Outpatient appointment reminder service Patients attending some clinics at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary now have the option of receiving a text (SMS) reminder of their appointment. Person Centred Visiting is in place across NHSGGC. u4%p \C>c9oAx The coloured zone information is being used on patient letters, site maps and information leaflets. Outpatients and day patients If you have an appointment in a hospital or clinic but do not need to stay overnight, it means you're being treated as an outpatient or a day patient. If you travel to hospital by other forms of transport, you may be entitled to get help with your costs. An advisor will ask you a series of questions to determine your ambulance transport requirements, please have your letter or card handy when you call. Patient letters will provide details of where wards and clinics can be found, along with the best entrance to use to reach the ward or clinic. Please enquire at your local surgery to see if it is available in your area. UCAN Care Centre, Ward 209, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN. The Haematology outpatient . 3. . Your waiting time will be counted from the date the hospital puts you on the waiting list. Please note that vehicles parked in drop off zones for more than 30 minutes are subject to a Civil Parking Remedy (parking ticket). Any additional information regarding your appointment is contained on a coloured page enclosed with your card. ward 34. . A specialist is always responsible for the clinic session. Any vehicle stopping in a drop off zone must be attended throughout the drop off/collection. If it is decided at your consultation that you need surgery, you will need to have your fitness for an operation assessed (known as pre-admission assessment). You will then be asked to go to the clinic waiting area and you will be seen according to your appointment time. - we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. Hospital appointments and waiting times Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Neurology (Brain, Spinal and Nerves), other person has had a similar experience, Default Calderdale Royal Hospital Salterhebble Halifax HX3 0PW Main switchboard: 01422 357171 . The hospital has the following special clinics: paediatrics, glaucoma, medical retina, surgical retina, neuro-ophthalmology, inflammatory disease, ultrasound, macular disease, diabetic retinopathy, cornea, genetics, ocular motility, ROP screening, PDT and adnexal. Referrals can be made via community and ward midwifery staff, consultant's, and GP's. If an appointment has been made for you to attend an outpatient clinic at the Hospital, you will find details of the date, time and which clinic you are to attend on your appointment letter / card. A condition of this funding is that the facility is for the use of patients and visitors only. Find out more about your choices in the NHS. Be prepared during your consultation to describe your symptoms concisely. Rehabilitation and follow up. Learn more about how a video appointment works. We would appeal to members of the public to only use this facility when they have an appointment or a relative or friend to visit. Spinal clinics - Within these clinics our Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapists provide expert assessment, appropriate diagnostics and investigations. If you are referred to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) for further tests, they will send you the date and time of your appointment. You are welcome to bring a relative or friend with you. This service is available for staff, patients and visitors, and operates Monday to Friday. If you wish to reschedule your appointment, please call the booking office on 0141 201 3114 or 0141 201 3105. NHS Grampian cannot accept responsibility for vehicles or belongings left on hospital grounds. They also treat a range of uro-gynaecological conditions such as urinary urgency/urge incontinence, and stress urinary incontinence, in both male and female patients. If you work for NHS Grampian, and would like to access physiotherapy, please contact the self referral helpline on 01224 655698. You may be having an appointment for treatment, diagnosis or a procedure. The service operates Mon to Thur 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm. Satellites and Outpatient clinics Ayr Hospital . They would like to give more time to you, but they do need to try and keep to their schedule in order to give each patient their allotted time. 0808 101 0337 Call us Chat with us Book an appointment. You may be asked to return to the clinic for further treatment or investigations. If delays are likely, we will keep you informed of the reason and how long you are likely to have to wait. If you have any questions about your care or treatment, please ask a doctor / nurse. Full details are available in this patient information sheet (pdf). 08/06/2009 at 6:07 pm. Parking attendants will ask to see your badge before allowing you access and your badge must belong to you or a passenger in your vehicle. The Clinic Receptionist will check your identification details. This is to enable staff to focus on other duties. Please note that opening hours are subject to change. Woodend Municipal Hospital was opened in 1927. You may not be seen by him or her, but by another clinician who can discuss your management with the specialist if required. There are a number of shops within the main concourse at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (on the ground floor beside the main entrance). This web site uses cookies to store information on your device, as explained in our privacy policy. At the time I thought the appointment had gone well, however once I received my letter from the doctor I saw it bore no relation to our discussion For more information please see Support With Appointments ( NHS Grampian said both Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Dr Gray's Hospital in Elgin, Moray have now been forced to postpone and cancel non-urgent elective operations due to a sharp rise in Covid . Text of Celebrating a proud history - The Western Infirmary 1874-2015. Please click below for information on how to access physiotherapy, where our clinics are located and further specialist services that we operate. If you have an appointment in a hospital or clinic, remember to bring the details of your appointment with you. If for any reason, your appointment has to be cancelled by the clinic, we will let you know of an alternative date by letter or by telephone. Write down the things you have noticed which make them better or what makes them worse etc. You can also contact them on0300 790 6806or Please ask your GP for a travel pack which will contain all the information you will need. I had an appointment at Gynaecology on 27th October. The NHS in Scotland has set national waiting times targets, which say how quickly you should be able to get a hospital or outpatient appointment, or be admitted for treatment. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change Please have your appointment letter or card to hand as you will be asked for your hospital number or. 5 NHS Grampian, Department of Urology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, UK. Have you experienced something like Marandra did, here or elsewhere? Glasgow was fi rst mooted in 1849 when the University Court decided that its buildings in the High Street, close to the Royal Infi rmary, were no longer fi t for purpose. Company Address: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN, United Kingdom: Switchboard Number: 0345 456 6000: Abroad Switchboard Number: 00 44 345 456 6000: Serious Accident or a Medical Emergency: 999: For GP Surgery: Visitors only. Foresterhill Road. If you need another appointment, you'll get a letter, text or email about this. Founded 1936 Address Park Lauta 4000 Plovdiv Country Bulgaria Phone +359 (32) 622 889 Fax +359 (32) 622 889 E-mail Write to:Patient Travel OfficeGilbert Bain HospitalLerwickZE1 0TBTelephone: (01595) 743305. This is to respect the privacy and dignity of individuals using our services and also our staff. A specialist is always responsible for the clinic session. 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